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Bulk Nutrients after not only becoming the main sponsor of Rx Muscle Australia and putting up good money to support Australia going into a new era of Bodybuilding Media but now they are putting up $100 of free supplements a month to go to our Aussie Forum member of the month!
Now we're not just going to base this contest on the quality of posts ie. if someonw is extremely intelligent we won't just hand the award to that member of the board but it will be more so based on post frequency, being friendly (you won't be marked down for taking the piss), quality threads created and just whether you enjoy having the particular member as a part of the forum. Basically when you vote you want to vote for whoever you think is deserving of the MOTM award. If not many people vote then we will choose a winner that will receive the $100.00 voucher to spend at
Please note you can't win more than once.
If your not already a member than join the Rx Muscle Australia community and hit the Australian section by CLICKING HERE!- RX Muscle Australia Forums
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