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2014 Arnold Classic..... Australia?

 Arnold Classic Australia 2014While covering the 2013 Western Sydney Championships over the weekend with team Rx Muscle we noticed that the President of the IFBB in Australia Paul Graham wasn't in adendance, while his wife Carole Graham (secretary of IFBB Australia) was, later in the show we found out it was for good reason.

Carole annouced to the crowd in attendance that Paul Graham was currently on a conference call with Arnold Schewarzenegger & Jim Lorimer (the promotor of the Arnold Classic) to organise an Arnold Classic Australia for 2014 or 2015 at the latest. Myself among others in the crowd were excited that this was a possibility and that talks were underway.

Arnold Classic BrasilI had to follow this story up with the IFBB Australia, I found out that there are still details to be sorted before we can confirm, but things are looking very promising.

After speaking to the IFBB Australia it seemed likely the Arnold Classic Australia sports festival & IFBB Pro bodybuilding contest would take place in October 2014 after the Australian Nationals.

Since Arnold has removed himself from the role of govenor of California he has been much more active in building the Arnold Classic brand, and in his words "expanding the Arnold Classic to every contenent". After already expanding to Europe & Spain it appears Australia & China will be the next on the list.

Stay tuned to www.rxmuscle.com.au for developments.


Author: Xavier Wills: [email protected]

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