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It's been hard getting info back from the IFBB World's and from what we've heard wifi is hard to come by, but that being said we have gotten some news back from the Aussie's competing this weekend in the Ukraine.
Physique competitor Amy Fox and Bikini competitor Barbie Heng have both made the top 6 in their divisions and will move on into the finals. Fellow W.A. bikini competitor Alice Round narrowly missed out on the top 6 placing 8th, but she did make it through the first round of 15.
There are over 10 female competitors competing for Australia at the World Championships so we'll have to wait to hear back for the final results to see how they have faired. Click here to view all pictures & follow on our forums...
Below are some quotes from Amy, Barbie, & Alice that we're posted on facebook about the show with some accompanying pictures...
Barbie Heng- “What a day!!! OMG!! Just got back to hotel- I placed in TOP 6 tonight!!! Sooo happy!! Amazing lineup from girls in all divisions so proud of all the girls who represented Australia today!! Will post more ASAP!!! :))”
Amy Fox- “Day 1 down today and I've made it through to the top 6 competitors in the Women's Physique Division U163cm! Finals & routine tomorrow. I'm still very watery...hopefully tomorrow is a different story :) The rules stated plain opaque costumes only, however it's a case of anything goes on the day so lucky for me Jo Rogers made me two suits!”
Alice Round- “Hey everyone thank you for all of the msgs and questions about comp it's been an over whelming amount of support!! The Internet isn't great here so sorry 4 delays, barbie is in finals today top 6 and the amazing Amy fox so helping the girls get ready for that I didn't make top 6 but made the first round to top 15 from a massive group of high quality girls then 8th from that. I felt confident and happy on stage and you can do no more than that!! The standard was crazy and made me more pumped and motivated to do one better for perth in 4 weeks. Just being at a world event is surreal and I'm so happy I simply got the opportunity to experience that in my life and be a part of it.
Thanks again to muscleworx Australia for their support and sponsorship and to my coach Layne Norton for everything. Onwards and upwards! Again sorry will be back to emails and work properly when I arrive in London Tuesday. Also a massive shout out to my bf Rhys Marshall for constantly being so dam amazing and positive xxxx”
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