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Luke Timms' batlle in Dallas at the 2013 IFBB Europa Super Show.

IFBB Pro Luke Timms europa pro dallasLuke Timms prepared and competed in his first ever show in the USA which came with the 2013 IFBB Dallas Europa Super Show held over the weekend.

Luke came in with the goal of placing top 10 where he fell short placing equal last because he chose to sit out the finals as he had some issues with his traveling and last minute prep which is outlined below in a facebook post Luke made public on his Facebook page.


"Hey friends and fans I’ve just finished the Europa pro I loved the experience it was such a dream come true. Unfortunately with the 25hours flight to America, jet lag and had no kitchen just a rice cooker to carb up on made it very difficult. Upon arrival to America my body was off I tried my best to fill out and tighten up over the whole 4 days I was here I knew I was off. Anyways I did my best and very happy with the callouts I got. I placed equal last 16th. as it was a 2 day format I found it difficult to not consume water, went 30hours without water and completed prejudging and knew exactly where I stood I was 16th.... so had another 24 hours without water to wait till we did final routines n top 5 called out. Unfortunately dehydration got the better of me hadn't drunk water for 40+ hours with diuretic cocktail and I passed out in my hotel 6 hours before finals so for health reasons I sat out the final. I'm very happy with how I compared to the Americans even if I nailed my condition I would not of cracked top 10. I've learnt I need to add 20 pounds more muscle to match them for size especially back thickness, arms and fuller chest. Anyways I'm very happy with my achievement and time for some rest to get healthy again and spend some quality time with my wife and son."

Luke Timms fdbLuke Timms frLuke Timms rdb

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