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Christine Envall & Constantinos Demetriou were the two Aussie IFBB Pro's competing in the IFBB Wings of Strength Chicago pro show and many Australians were looking forward to seeing how these competitors went.
Christine placed 11th in the IFBB Toronto Supershow, which for her was disappointing and from what we heard form Christine it sounded as though she wasn't 100% happy with the look she brought to the stage, although many had her placed higher. From her 11th place in Toronto Christine continued to diet for another 6 weeks to compete in the 2013 IFFB Chicago Wings of Strength pro show where she moved up 4 places slotting in at 7th place in an impressive lineup of 15.
Con Demetriou seems as though he's hit his stride in the pro league finding the recipe to nail "pro standard conditioning" while maintaining his round full look that he's known for. Con shocked many Australian's when he brought his all-time best package to the stage at the 2012 Masters Olympia where he placed 16th in massive lineup and now he's placed a solid 9th here beating out some seasoned competitors in Mike Liberatore, Craig Richardson, & An Nguyen.
Both Christine & Con placed in the top half of their lineups doing Australia proud and leaving Australians looking forward to seeing them back on stage again.
Click here to view full IFBB Chicago Wings of Strength contest gallery...
Author: Xavier Wills | e: [email protected]
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