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Australian IFBB Figure Pro Ellena Reidie was diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome in June, 2012 after suffering with fatigue symptoms for many years prior. Ellena was reluctant to come forward and make this news public, as she was unsure what the response might be. She eventually did come forward in October and broke the news through Rx Muscle Australia's "Aussie Muscle Radio" (CLICK HERE to listen to Interview) and her Activewear Online blog. Ellena was surprised in the response, many people started messaging/emailing her sympathizing, and asking for advice as they were suffering from the same, or similar symptoms.
When Ellena was diagnosed in June last year she was told her recovery would take approximately 2 years, but she started training again on a day by day basis in January, 2013, after receiving some great test results on her cortisol levels.
The Adrenal Fatigue & Metabolic Damage topic has been a big talking point in bodybuilding/fitness industry of late, and namely due to a video blog done by Layne Norton, so Ellena has chosen to work with Layne. She knows Layne has her health in mind, and they are working to fix her metabolic damage. "I'm working with Layne norton in repairing my metabolism and basically listening to my body."
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