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This week at Rx Muscle Australia we had the chance to catch-up with one of Australia's top amatauer bodybuilders, IFBB Mr Australia Champion and Bioflex Nutrition sponsored superstar Rohan Reid to get the low down on his up coming Muscle's what he had to say;
When I was younger and started Bodybuilding there was no internet, no Facebook and chat forums, no mobile phones, in fact I started training at 12 years old in my backyard with bricks on a pole. I begged (and bugged) my parents for a year and did loads of chores around the house before they relented and bought me a 1 year membership at the local gym. When I say local, it was a 20 min bus and 25 min train ride away.
Like everyone I floundered at first, I didn't know what I was doing (they didn't have personal trainers in 1987) and I had to find my way by trial and error, reading everything I could lay my hands on, not too mention by annoying my 'Gym Daddies'. 'Gym Daddies' were the big guys, the ones everyone wanted to be like and if you were feeling brave and could catch a moment you might ask them a question, sometimes you would get a bullshit answer sometimes you wouldn't. Once every 6 months or so a top National or IFBB Pro would run a seminar and 30 information starved Bodybuilders would cram into an aerobics room and listen intently for an hour and a half, I went to all of them,(guess what so did Lee Priest). Well 26 years later, I'm still learning, but I've learnt some things, achieved some results and I'd now like to share what I've learned with just a few people that are passionate about achieving results and thirsty for the knowledge to get there!
While nowadays we do find a lot of our information in cyberspace there are a few issues I find (and my numerous clientele) with this;
Problems with internet information,
● partial, the information doesn't give you the complete picture
● it doesn't apply it in complexity to a lifestyle.
● It's not specific to you and your body type or situation
● Often advice is dished out by 16 year old kids with names like 'MrO2015'
● It is often full of "BroScience" information handed from one bro to another Chinese whisper style, read this article for more on "BroScience"
● You can't learn how to move where to put your hands feet etc on the internet, not even on youtube
● You know you have to train hard but how hard is hard? I'll give you your measure , for you, where you are now, not Ronnie Coleman
What you will get and achieve during BioFlex/Bodymatrix Muscle Camp 2012
● Time with 2x Mr Australia Rohan Reid in his private training gym
● 4x training sessions 2x cardio sessions, Meal prep, supplementation demonstration (what, when and how) Stretching, Massage, and Q & A seminars with me.
● All your Meals during the day are included, we will even do a Meal Prep session so you can learn the tricks of taste and being more organised.
● Along with your meals you will learn about and understand nutrition, what to eat and how much
● Supplements, you will learn about the best way to utilise supplements, money saving techniques, how to time them best to get the best results.
● we are limiting this to 8 spots so there will be an intimate focus on each individual.
Muscle Camp Melbourne is going to be the most accessible source of good information that you will find anywhere, learn from those that have proven results onstage, with a record of wins to prove it...
The weekend will be an opportunity to immerse yourself in a tried and true Bodybuilding lifestyle and find out what secrets I have used to get results!!! Ask me 2x Mr Australia how to get there!
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