Hosted by Bryan Hildebrand & Mike Johnston!
TONIGHT: This week's Rx Power Hour Strength Radio : Mike and Bryan take things in their direction for a few weeks without a guest. The guys break down the athletes who are now officially confirmed for America's Strongest Man, namely the four American finalists frm this years Worlds Strongest man just a few weeks ago. Brian Shaw won this year with the 2012 ASM winner Mike Burke, Arnold Winner Mike Jenkins and Rookie Robert Oberst.
The boys talk beer, a salute to Bryan's ailing mother, Mikey J's move to the South Bend Indiana area and news about Bryan's bodybuilding show and much much more on this weeks episode of the Rx Power Hour Strength Radio show!
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Hosted by Bryan Hildebrand & Mike Johnston!
TONIGHT: This week's Rx Power Hour Strength Radio : Mike and Bryan are both in flux as Mikey J is in mid move from Columbus, Ohio to South Bend Indiana while Bryan is trying to find time to move into his new home and studio across town in West Texas. So to say the boys are a little off (more so than usual) is an understatement!
ASC Pro Strongman Robert Oberst, coming off his rookie season is frsh back from China where he competed in the 2013 Worlds Strognest Man. he can't really discuss what happened, how he placed, etc, but the boys wanted to know how different it was to compete in an environment of a TV production, instead of a true athletic event. Director and Producer pauses, delays, lighting, sound checks are all new to the 400lb man from Southern California and compound that with 90 degree temps, 90% humidity, no air conditioning, no ice... and it presents a challenge> Robert shares his experience and breaks down how to survive competing in China!
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Hosted by Bryan Hildebrand & Mike Johnston!
TONIGHT: This week's Rx Power Hour Strength Radio : Mike and Bryan are back and have a TON to cover.
2013 Worlds Strongest Man qualifying is a wrap from China. The boys break down the good, bad and ugly of the weeks events and who made the top 10 to the finals. Spoiler: 4 Americans!!! Donnie Thompson also had his Westside Pro Invitational event at the York Barbell Museum where Dave Tate broke Donnie Thompsons 3,000lb total with a 3,005lb effort. Controversy abounds; squat depth. Lockouts on the bench? Haters abound and hangers defend!
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Hosted by Bryan Hildebrand & Mike Johnston!
TONIGHT: This week's Rx Power Hour Strength Radio : This week the boys get a visit from Dan Kovacs, the Ronnie Coleman Signature Series Pro Powerlifter who is out to break the all time Super Heavyweight Raw Powerlifting world record set by the legendary Don Reinhoudt nearly 40 years ago. Dan details the concepts and drive to break that magical 2.400lb barrier. Dan and Bryan also discuss the new RCSS products that will be launched September 1st, just in time for the Mr Olympia.
MLB has some final sentencing for a handful of players caught up in the latest PED scandal. Will A-Rod be foreced out of the game?All this and much much more on the Rx Power Hour Strength Radio.
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Hosted by Bryan Hildebrand & Mike Johnston!
TONIGHT: This week's Rx Power Hour Strength Radio : This week the boys keep it short and simple. Major League baseball - threats or do they mean business? Who gets suspended and for how long? Is A-Rod gone for good and can any of this stick in a court of law? Plus a HUGE announcement for one of the Rx Power Hour team members and even more news from Mikey J's side of the world; moving out of C-Bus?
This weeks guest is the one and only Mr 3,000 Donnie Thompson. Donnie comes on to discuss Buddy The Bulldog who was put down last week at the ripe old age of 10 years. Every major league strength facility in the US has a mascot dog as part of the team. Buddy has met everyone in the industry. Probably mroe than Mike and Bryan combined. But Donnie is here to talk about the Westside Pro Invitational coming up August 17th at the York Barbell Hall of Fame Museum in York, PA. Some of the heavy hitters from all organizations will be there to post some ridiculous numbers.
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Hosted by Bryan Hildebrand & Mike Johnston!
TONIGHT: This week's Rx Power Hour Strength Radio : This week on the Rx Power Hour the boys chose not to have their scheduled guest and instead created the beginning of a larger discussion with Performance Enhancing Drugs. Several mainstream media articles this week fueled the need for an open discussion on GH in the NFL, PED's in MLB and how the WADA figures into the whole debacle.
Sally and Mike break tradition and bring us some south of the border flavor with Tequila of the Week! Mike goes rum barrel aged sipping variety while Sally chooses new school flavored and both are happy with their choices.
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Hosted by Bryan Hildebrand & Mike Johnston!
TONIGHT: This week's Rx Power Hour Strength Radio : First the boys help someone who has created a specialized piece of equipment for the strength community and help him market it. The ManHammer is a newly conceptualized and produced tool for a multitude of uses in the gym, training field, crossfit and overall conditioning modalities. Joe Walker sold his very first unit to training juggernaut Brian Dobson of Metroflex Arlington with Ronnie Coleman by his side. Talk about scoring big right out of the gate.
The second guest needs no introduction, but if I didn't you wouldn't know who you might be missing out on! TV and Video Producer to RxMuscle, the Porn industry and most specifically, The Rx Power Hour comes on to talk about his journey through electronica in two countries and his 2012 Olympia Weekend Internship/job interview with Dave Palumbo and Bryan Hildebrand!
This week sees a new segment called "Breakdown"! Listeners are sending in video for Mike and Bryan to Breakdown and critique to help them to improve their lifts and overall performance. The videos then can be viewed on the Power Hour page and reviewed by our followers!
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Hosted by Bryan Hildebrand & Mike Johnston!
TONIGHT: This week's Rx Power Hour Strength Radio : This week Mikey J returns from Mexico with a few war stories, a sun tan body and a mildly engorged liver! Tequila, steroids and recreational drugs were all on the beach offering but Mikey J says "No Mas"!
This weeks guest is the newest ASC Pro who won Odd Haugens Strongman event at the San Jose, Ca. Fit Expo, Bulgarian native, Dimitar Savatinov. The former Ringling Bros and Barnum and Bailey strongman talks about the days in the circus where he was regularly run over by a Jeep with 7 people inside of it! He is also claiming, and the boys actually believe it, that his overhead press is in excess of 500lbs! With the September Americas Strongest Man event at the Mr Olympia weekend in his sites, is he the dark horse?
SallyAnne sits in for Bryan for Beer of the Week which again sees Mike stepping out of his comfort zone and into something more akin to Elvis. Listener questions and a Legal Battle bring up the FMK! It's an FFMMKK!All this and much more on the Rx Power Hour Strength Radio program.
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