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Published on Friday, 05 October 2012 22:08
Written by Natalie Waples
Canuck Corner-Installment #13
Hi Ev
Well the Olympia is over and what an amazing experience it was! Stepping on the biggest stage in the IFBB is an honour and privilege and this year was no different – being surrounded by friends and supporters from all over the world, representing my country, Nutrabolics, Team FMG and my coach Tad Inoue was a huge accomplishment :) I improved my showing from last year – with a tighter and more muscular physique, and also moved up the ranks in the call outs so I am definitely happy with the show.
So as you all must know by now, I am one of those competitors who has an extremely long ‘on season’ and to make this year no different, I will be competing in my 7th show of the year in Ft. Lauderdale in a few weeks! I am very excited to finish off my season with this show and will be taking the opportunity while in FL to shoot with JM Manion and take in a little R&R before heading home and celebrating my birthday :)
September was an exceptional month for me – some highlights include:
-Qualifying for my 2nd Figure Olympia
-Being featured as ‘Canada’s Finest’ in the latest FLEX magazine (attached pic)
-Signing with the exclusive Fitness Management Group (group picture pre “Meet the Olympians” event attached c/o NPCnewsonline)
-Representing my Canadian supplement sponsor Nutrabolics on the Figure Olympia stage
-Featured on the CBBF website – GO CANADA!
Being able to spend the Olympia with amazing friends, industry associates and participating
in all of the fanfare was an absolute blast – feeling truly blessed to be part of this industry! All of the emails, tweets, facebook notes, etc., really made this Olympia experience an amazing one! Canada was very well represented at the Olympia this year, with Justine in Bikini; Ryall, Myriam, Jodi, Vanda, Fiona and Danielle in Fitness; and Aleisha and myself in Figure. There was a real “Team Canada” feel which added to the excitement of the festivities.
As I mentioned above I am going to be rounding out my season with a show in Florida and therefore took only 72 hours off after the Olympia before swinging right back into show prep. The trip back from Vegas was long and tiring, but I was eager to get back into the gym. My coach Tad www.tadthedietcoach.com has me following a moderate cardio plan, with a high protein meal regime and higher rep weight training scheme – just the right combination to get me right back into stage shape and ready to hit one more out of the proverbial “ballpark” before 2012 is up!
Here is what my leg routine “typically” looks like – I have made leaps and bounds in my lower body improvement this year, and I believe the change in my approach to leg training is a huge player in that. I normally rest 60 seconds between supersets, and do 3 sets of each cycle before moving on to the next.
Superset 1
Decline leg press (moderate weight – 2 plates per side) – standard foot stance, high plié stance, high narrow foot stance, calf raise (20 reps each)
Plié barbell deadlift – 15 reps
Dumbbell lunge – 15 per side (approx. 25 lbs dummbells)
60 seconds skipping rope
Superset 2
Barbell squat to parallel (moderate weight) – 12-15 reps
Single leg squat off bench (body weight) – 25 reps
60 seconds skipping rope
Superset 3
Leg extension (each rep with 6 pulses at top) – 10 reps
Butt blaster (heavy weight) – 10-12 per side
Calf raises (heavy weight) – 30 reps
Toe taps (front leg stationary on bench while back leg moves back and forth over bench in a reverse lunge/toe tap) – 24 per side
So if this routine doesn’t have you gaspin
g for air and barely able to feel your legs, then up the skipping and lower the rest period – it’s a killer!
Have a wonderful October everyone!!! Wishing a happy Thanksgiving to all Canadians and a spooky Halloween for all:)
Yours in health,
Natalie Waples
IFBB Figure Pro
Exclusively managed by FMG