

Kickin It With Karina: Beijos: Blog 1


Kickin It With Karina: Beijos: Blog 1

Hi,this is Karina Nascimento and I wanted to thank you all for your support.

I just got through winning the first IFBB Women’s Physique Show at the Desert Muscle Classic in Arizona.  I hope to bring an even better physique to the IFBB PRO GRAND PRIX in Culver City, California.  The challenge is on for me.  I have three children under the age of 8 and my husband travels a lot. Competing is my passion and the fact is there’s no easy way to do what we do.  I don’t think that my diet is notably different than most competitors’ because it consists of oats, eggs, and chicken with asparagus, turkey, broccoli, yogurt, peanut butter, a scoop of protein, fish and salad.  I do feel full all the time so it is not too bad.  I do miss eating a big fat hamburger sometimes DSC 0636with my family at our favorite place.  I don’t do cheat meals -- this part can be hard at times.  I have been dieting since Jan 1st with only one week off after the Desert Muscle.  This may not be a long time for some people, but I haven’t been on a diet like this for about 8 years and then I didn’t have children.  My workouts stay intense right now  and I don’t see it getting any easier . I workout three day a week with my trainer, IFBB PRO Darrem Charles, and he also does my diet and posing. Four days out of the week I train myself -- mostly at my house in my garage -- so that I am able to get my children ready and out to school by 7:45 am.

  I spend time at the beach with my children and most of time we are doing some kind of activity together, including shopping at the mall.  My children are so much like me -- even my boy.

Thank you for your support and let’s be friends on facebook.  You can also go to my website to get your next Isolyze Protein, Amilean, Lean Body for Her Fat Burner, etc…karinabrazilpro.com



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