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Published on Thursday, 04 November 2010 10:49
Written by Leigh Penman

Some of you out there reading this who are old enough to remember will recall the classic song recorded best by Elvis Presley, ‘If I can Dream’ (those of you unfamiliar with it would do well to check out his rendition on the 60’s NBC TV special). That song contains the potent message that if you can dream then maybe, just maybe, those dreams can come true.
In bodybuilding, as in life in general, we are all dreamers to a certain extent. We all dream of great things for ourselves and hang our hopes on the thought that maybe, just maybe, those dreams will come true.
I was lucky enough to recently encounter one of life’s dreamers whose dream did indeed come true. Melody Spetko dreamed of becoming a pro and, having just recently captured that title, I couldn’t think of a better time to step further into her world and learn a little more about what makes Melody the woman she is……
So Melody, let’s begin by delving into your background…You are part German, part Ukrainian and you now live in Canada. So where did you grow up and how did life take you to Canada?“I was actually born and raised in Canada. My grandparents are from Germany and the Ukraine but I am more German than Ukrainian. I was born in Kitchener, Ontario. It used to be called little Berlin because of the large number of Germans that came there during the 1st and 2nd world wars. From Kitchener we moved to a small town called Wiarton... home of the albino groundhog! When I was 19 I moved to Toronto and went to college and university there.”
You come from a pretty large family, are you all athletically inclined?“I come from a very large family... 4 brothers, 2 step sisters and 1 step brother. My 4 biological brothers are all athletic. All of us played some kind of sports growing up... and not because we were ever influenced by my parents, but because we just loved to be active. All of us have an athletic build; we take after my father in that department. My brother Josh (who is also my biggest fan and supporter) and I would play soccer, basketball, baseball, volleyball, you name it we would do it! I played on every team you can imagine. Even in college I played on the volleyball team. I was the power hitter... I could jump! I doubt I could jump that high now though!”
Would you describe yourself as a bit of a ‘tom boy’ growing up?“I had my moments (as we all do) when I would dress girly. I can’t even tell you how much hair spray I would use in my hair to puff it up! But you would always see me on dirt bikes, snowmobiles and playing sports. So I guess you could say I acted ‘tom boyish’... and I always had tons of boyfriends.”
How did the interest in weights begin and did your family encourage you?“My interest began through my mother’s best friend. Kris Day... since my family gave me very little in the way of encouragement. Yes, I would totally credit my mother’s best friend as my major source of inspiration. I remember when I was about 6 or 7 being at her house and watching her rinse her tuna and weigh stuff. I couldn’t figure out why on earth she was washing her canned tuna... It was to get rid of the sodium... like I knew what sodium was back then... lol!
“I saw all her mags and I would read them, (well, look at the pics). She would explain the eating to me and the training. I guess you could say that I was simply intrigued by her... her strength and beauty. As time went on I kept learning from her and watching. She never made it to the National stage. She gave up after awhile... but to me, back then, she was larger than life and my hero.”
Now things did not start out too positively for you. I am not sure if many people know this but you had only been training for a few months when you had a stroke. Do you know what led to this and did it make you feel that your bodybuilding career may be over before it had even begun?‘Yes, I was very young when I had a minor brain aneurysm. Thank God it wasn’t a major one or I wouldn’t be here! Basically my blood pressure was very low, causing my blood to be very thick and clot... I actually had many warning signs beforehand. I had lots of migraines, ones that would totally bring me to my knees. I went to get checked out and the doctor said it was just caused by everything I was going through in my life at the time. However, about a week later I had the worst pounding headache. It literally felt like a knife went through my head and I collapsed. My dad was right there and rushed me to the hospital which was about a block away. It was at that point that they discovered what had happened... not one of my finer childhood
I believe the doctor told you that you could no longer lift weights. I guess that must have brought out the rebel in you…“When the doctor told me I could no longer lift weights... I did just that... never touched a weight again. It wasn’t till I was in my early 30's that I had decided to say ‘f**k it!’My brother had passed and I figured life is way too short not to follow your dreams! I went and got checked out and my health was generally good so I decided it was now or never. That is when I decided I was gonna go for it and become a Pro... balls to the wall!”
Well you certainly did get back into weights and even became involved in WWE wrestling. How did that involvement begin and what led to your decision to leave the sport of wrestling?“The WWE was before the weights... I wasn’t even lifting at that point... more cardio and ab training. I was tiny... 125lbs at 5'4. I was in the dark matches for the WWE... never got signed to a full time contract as I just had too many injuries. I had broken so many bones during that time I just decided it was just too much for me. The last match I had I was tag teamed up with the Honky Tonk Man... Good times! I still have the posters from that show! It was a good way to go out.”
From there bodybuilding took over and I believe you were trained by RhondaLee Quaresma at one stage, how did that association come about?“Rhonda Lee was later after I started bodybuilding. My first coach was Iris Kyle...back in 2005. I learned a lot from her. She taught me the basics... and taught me that your inner drive is everything in this sport! You need to give it your all! After Iris I was on my own for a bit...For my first show in 2006 I just had some help from some friends in the sport... Then I found Rhonda Lee through Kim Birtch... Rhonda was with me for a year. From Rhonda Lee I went to Laura Binetti. I have been with Laura for 2 years now... I owe a lot to Laura. She really brought up my physique to the level it is at today. I owe that woman a lot! The biggest heart... A great coach... And a true friend. She believed in me and made me believe in myself!
Who do you work with now in regard to coaching?“Laura and I have gone separate ways now. I guess this little bird had to fly away from the nest. The last few weeks of my prep I went under the watchful eye of Helen Bouchard. I did this because I felt I needed a change... I needed to be dialed in perfectly. Not to say Laura couldn’t have done it... I just needed something new. It was the hardest decision I ever had to make and a HUGE gamble. I know many questioned me on what I was doing but my heart was telling me it was right. In this sport we need to do what is best for us. I’m now under the watchful eyes of Helen Bouchard... she really knows her stuff and my body is responding very well to her methods. I’m excited to see what Helen and I can bring to the stage next year for my Pro debut.
On a side note... this sport is very team orientated and I need to thank a few special people. I can’t tell you how many I had behind me this year... Laura Binetti, Helen Bouchard ,Daph Madigin, Julia Schatz, Philip Wetter, Sheila Bleck(my training partner and the one who choreographed my routine). Okay, this list can go on forever…but in all reality it wasn’t just me up there; it was everyone that supported me and helped me along the way. I have to say I am truly blessed!”
I understand Sheila Bleck helped you with you with your posing routine this time around. How did you get to know Sheila?“Sheila Bleck and I have been best friends for awhile now. I met her when I first started bodybuilding and I was just a wee thing! We first met in NYC.I was living there and she came to NYC to meet some people. We ended up meeting that way and kept in contact. She then moved to Tampa and I followed shortly after. Sheila and I train together at Power House. I have seen her do many routines... This year I wanted to have something for the stage, rather than just wing it like I usually do so she came over to my place and had my routine done in 1 min! It literally took her one play through of the song and it was done. In my case – and Sheila will back me on this - it’s easy, simply because she knows me and what I can and can’t do. It was the perfect routine for me!”
You recently turned Pro of course, how did you feel the moment you realized that you had gained your pro card?“I don’t think it has really hit me yet! I know that day I was stunned... like a deer in headlights... ask anyone there that saw me! Seriously, I know I’m Pro... but I don’t truly look at myself that way yet. I know I earned it now I have to go and play with the big girls! Kind of a scary thought... however, I’m ready for this. If you ask me when I begin my prep for my first shows I will tell you how I feel then!’
What do you hope to achieve in the world of bodybuilding?“The Ultimate goal is of course to be on the Olympia stage! Just to be up there will be the most amazing experience... but I think as professional bodybuilders we all want that, don’t we?!”
And outside of the sport, what are your dreams for the future?“Is there and outside of the sport? Lol... everything I do is about this sport! I’m working on some huge projects now... Look to see a lot of me in the near future! I truly LIVE, EAT and BREATH this sport. I have given up everything to follow this dream... and I won’t quit till I say I’m done!
So how can RX readers contact you?“They can e mail me at:
[email protected]”
Melody Spetko