When you visit her web page, one of the first things you might notice is the "I am not available for
Further investigation of her website will also lead you to some very interesting and thought-provoking facts about a mysterious and intellectual woman. I couldn't wait to get on the phone with Monica Mollica to find out more about this beautiful Swedish-American woman who builds websites and writes nutrition manuals for Swedish scholars!
So I gave her a call...or ten, to try to catch up with this exceptionally busy, and apparently very popular, mystery woman. After many texts and messages back and forth, we managed to set a time so that we can talk by phone:
RXM: Monica, I know you asked me to email you my questions, but I can just tell that there is way more here than meets the eye. I know by personally speaking with you, I'm going to find out some very interesting things. Tell me about the notice on your website regarding no sessions or private wrestling? Based on some of your videos, you actually wrestle!
MM: (she laughs at me)
I do not do any sessions of any kind. I have wrestling VIDEOS that are available to view under my member's section on my website.
RXM: Yup - saw that in the video clips, too. So is this real wrestling, or staged?
MM: No, no. It's real. As a matter of fact, I am starting to learn more about technique and I am thinking about participating in some competitive wrestling matches. Not just Fantasy wrestling. I'm pretty good at it and I haven't had any formal classes yet.
RXM: (There's something that I've neglected to mention so far and that is that she is telling me all of this with a beautiful Swedish accent). How did you end up in America with a dual citizenship?
MM: Well, my studies brought me here. I obtained my Bachelors and my Masters degrees in Nutrition from University of Stockholm, but I came to America to get my PhD from Baylor University in Texas.
RXM: I read that you stopped attending Baylor because your studies were so intense that they were interfering with your workouts?
MM: That' s correct. I plan to go back one day to finish, but I don't need it to do the things I want to do. I've already written a book and it is used for people involved in academia, not in mainstream literature. So I feel that it is an honor to have written a book that is used for others to gain knowledge.
RXM: That's very impressive! Did you find it frightening or intimidating to live most of your life in Sweden and then up and move to the United States just to attend school?
MM: No, it is actually something I am accustomed to doing. When I was finished with Elementary School and moved on to Upper Secondary School (Americans call them Middle and High Schools) I wanted to attend an English speaking school. Since there were only two of them, I moved away from home at a very early age so that I could attend.
RXM: WOW! Are all Swedish women as determined and adventurous as you?
MM: Well, actually, Swedish people in general are very conservative. They are very judgmental about females in bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is very looked down upon. Even supplements like Creatine are considered tabu.That is another reason I chose to move to the U.S. - people here are not nearly as judgmental as they are in Sweden. Here you can do whatever you want and people don't condemn you for it.
RXM: Well, ladies, isn't that a different perspective.... So can you describe yourself for me?
MM: Strong! I follow my own path and I am very strong-willed. I've always known what I wanted and I've always pursued it. It doesn't usually fit in with everyone else, but who cares?! Who wants to be like everyone else!
RXM: Alright. You moved to America so that you could obtain your PhD and you postponed your schooling so that you could immerse yourself in your workouts. Is it true that you are interested in getting your pro card?
MM: Yes, that is my dream but I haven't started that venture yet. I am very involved in my work. I am starting a new business and that comes first right now. Bodybuilding is my lifestyle and that will always be there. Right now, I am working on getting my web designing business going.
RXM: How did you get involved in web design?
MM: I took a class on it while I was in school and I became very interested in it. I do not have any formal training other than that. I went out and bought a bunch of books on it and taught myself.
RXM: Hmmm..... You taught yourself?
MM: Yes, I like to learn. You should see my apartment, it looks like a library!
RXM: And now you're running a business offering web design?
MM: Yes, I would like everyone to know that it is not just for bodybuilders. It is for professional people, photographers, models, etc. It is called RebelDesignStudios.com
RXM: Back to bodybuilding. Do you have any plans to compete in the near future so that you can start your bodybuilding career?
MM: Yes, I would like to do a show very soon. However, I am lean year round and I do not think I will have to diet very long for it. People tell me I am ready right now but I feel like I need to do a little more work to improve my symmetry before I compete.
RXM: But since it is your dream and you postponed your PhD for it, aren't you dying to get started?
MM: Those women who I admire and who are professional right now are in their mid 30's. I have time to do it right. I feel no pressure to jump in to a show. Besides, I don't believe I have to compete in order to be considered a bodybuilder. Bodybuilding is a lifestyle and it is the lifestyle I choose.
RXM: Speaking of your diet, do you want to share your daily diet regimen with us?
MM: Oh it's always the same. I eat a typical bodybuilding diet: chicken, broccoli, cottage cheese. I wouldn't look this good year round if I didn't stick to the same thing all the time. Besides, I LOVE cottage cheese and I don't know any other way to eat.
RXM: What about cheat foods?
MM: No. No cheat foods. Why should I cheat? That's bullshit! When I moved from home, I always had to get my own food. I never bought junk. So I never have cravings. If I don't have cravings, why would I start eating junk food now? That's just the way I look at it. It's bullshit!
RXM: So what inspired you to start living like a bodybuilder?
MM: When I lived in Sweden, I started doing Aerobics when I was young. I met a local fitness competitor who had a daughter and that inspired me. My mother never worked out and this woman looked great and had a daughter who also got involved in fitness. I thought to myself, if this woman can workout and have a daughter and look this good, that is what I want to do. So I started, and I competed in Fitness Competitions to start.
RXM: Do you have any other hidden talents that I haven't found out about yet?
MM: Well, I considered pursuing dance professionally. I was going to attend Dance Academy, but instead found a passion for bodybuilding.
RXM: Does that mean you did your own choreography for your fitness competitions?
MM: No, I hired a professional dancer to choreograph my routines and I took private classes in gymnastics.
RXM: You have shared your web design website with us. Would you like to tell all of your new fans how to find you?
MM: Yes! www.mowifit.com
RXM: Anyone you want to thank?
MM: Definitely. Chris Zimmerman for being a wonderful person and opening my eyes to so many things. Also my mother. Even though she has never approved of my bodybuilding and she still lives in Sweden, she is very supportive.
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