



Many athletes ask me "Howrxgirlbgimage can I better promote myself in the industry?" Many don't have the money to hire an agency or a promotional agent to do this for them, but want to stand out in the minds of their fellow competitors and judges.  I hope this article gives you some ideas or motivates and inspires you.  This is not only what YOU can do to PROMOTE YOURSELF but also what RX GIRL can do to help promote you!!!  


1. Create a Facebook/Twitter Account for yourself-online promoting and networking is the only way to go in our society today.  A strong web presence is extremely important.

2. Create a profile on MusclePlace on RX Muscle.  Post videos, progress pics..etc..

3. Join the forums on RXMuscle and post often (that means stop lurking and reading others posts) and comment on people's posts. Don't be afraid to give your opinion, advice, suggestions and ideas. We all come from different experiences and backgrounds and have different journeys that lead us to the stage.

4. Create an online journal in the Women's Training Section of the Forums.  This is a great way to hold yourself accountable.  Post your workouts, videos, progress pics, recipes, diet, motivational quotes, etc..... Post in other people's journals, network, share ideas...you will not only make friends, but gain some valueable ideas!

5. Sponsor RX Muscle. Promote yourself, your business..etc...Ask me how!

6. Create a Poll.  On the forums on RX Muscle, create a poll and gain the opinions and feedback of others on the site.  Can't decide on a suit color? What hairstyle to wear onstage? What tanning product to use?...let the RX Girls decide for you!logo

7. GoogleSearch(reputation manager)- Do you get Google alerts on yourself? If you don't, you should, and here's why: How else will you know what people are saying about you online and where and how your being portrayed online? Google alerts is a simple way to monitor the cyber-chatter and get in touch with folks who review or mention you on their site. You can also go to Technorati, plug in your name or company name and see what you pull up, then you can subscribe to the syndication feed of the search (just hit the RSS button and it'll automatically subscribe you to that feed).

8. Create a sig or signature file and include it in ALL your email correspondence. A sig file is simply a few lines below your name that tell people a little something about you and/or your business. Remember that, sig lines that read like full-blown ads turn off most people. I'm talking about 10-line signatures that include everything about you, right down to an endorsement from your mother! Try to keep yours at three to six lines.

9. Workshops-Host a workshop in your area on nutrition, posing,etc... VIDEOtape it for us!

10.  Create a Professional Profile- The one that I use and highly recommend is LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com). You set up your profile and outline all of your past jobs, achievements, education and interests; almost like an online resume. Then you get to search for people you know and have worked with professionally and link with them. Once they have accepted you, you are able to see their network and who they know. It is very powerful.  Also,  Manta – Manta is a directory listing of businesses and individuals in business. It ranks high in search engines and is free to join. Just another simple way to get your name noticed.

*********GO TO SHOWS!!!!!**************-Face to Face promoting is still a strong way to network! Introduce yourself to people, shake hands, hand out your business cards, etc....


I am busy, I have a family to take care, I am in prep... the list goes on as to why we don't always make time for self promotion. I am here to help you! I have tons of suggestions and ideas to fit every personality, need and time schedule. Below is a BASIC list of ideas.  I am open to your ideas and suggestions as well. Let's promote you on the  #1 Website Worldwide in Contest Coverage!!!!

1. Interviews-"Spotlight Interviews"-Let us learn a bit more about you.

2. Articles-Write an article about a topic of your choice to publish and share. Review a book you read about fitness, write a wrap up of a national level show you went to, share your nutritional knowledge....etc...)

3. Write a "Fun" Article About Yourself-Gail has LOTS of ideas on topics and what can be done.  BUT....be ready to let your hair down and dig deep..... This may mean you have to divulge a little more than the basic info about yourself.......

4. Transformation Story-Did you come from a bad place and found yourself prepping for a show? Tell us about it!

5. Journey to the Stage-Have an interesting reason you compete? We would love to hear about it!

6. Weekly Blogs-  Already a Pro? How about a blog on our site? Starting 8 weeks out from an IFBB show, we can do a weekly blog leading up to the show.  You can write about your contest prep, what is on your mind...anything!!

7. Video-In the RX GIRL Iron Asylum-Want to shoot a training video? Let's plan the details!

8. Workshops-Videotape a workshop or class you teach and let's post it on RX Muscle.  That way, even though we all don't live close, we can ALL benefit from your expertise.

9. Muscle Girls Inc.-Listen to the show weekly! You will learn a lot! Talk to the girls featured on the show at shows, friend request them on Facebook.  Don't be afraid to reach out to people. If their is a topic you want discussed , question answered or someone you want interviewed go on the forums and post your suggestions and feedback in the Muscle Girls thread!

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10.Photo Shoots-Want to be featured in one of our galleries? Ask me what photographers to shoot with to do just that!

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