

Thru The Eyes of Holly Stanbrough: My Story ~ My Mission

Thru The Eyes of Holly Stanbrough: My Story ~ My Mission


I rx1have a true passion for health and fitness... I am inspired by the GIFT of LIFE!!  

 My Passion - To Change......The Faces of MS

I am beginning a new journey, I am fortunate to have been given this opportunity ~ I feel passionate about helping others that suffer with chronic illness. I challenged everyone to help me, in this Call to Change the faces of MS....It does not have to be a life once lived, dreams faded, and days of just memories of what could ~ it can be, it can be a life filled with an abundance dreams and never ending memories ... living beyond your potential

 My Journey

 My journey began when I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2002 now currently fighting this battle with fierce will. This divesting and often disabling disease which attaches the central nervous system left me questioning my life, my future. The fear I experienced was breathtaking, I felt I was losing control of my life, the goals, the dreams I had were quickly fading before my eyes. I began to journal my thoughts and concentrating on my diet and exercise program searching for the answers, to why. My journey opened a new way of life for me, a new way to look at my life, my future. I began a fierce determination to beat this disease, to live my dreams and be impactful to the future those that suffered. This journey allowed me to look holistically at my health, encompassing my exercise program, diet and taking control of my life. Prior to my diagnosis with MS, I was diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease, from a near fatal car accident at the age of 17; leaving me with chronic lower back pain, months and periods of time struggling to be active. I sought out many treatments, physical therapy, injections, medications etc, with little to no relief. I had always been an athlete therefore loosing my physical ability was difficult for me to deal with. However not truly until the diagnosis of MS did it truly hit me, my health, my ability that I knew, I didn't' truly respect “life” as a gift; felt it was something simply owed to me. Therefore this newer diagnosis, this new challenge made me really look deeply at myself, what more could I be doing “Holistically” to improve the quality of my life, focus on the symptoms I suffered daily and try to effect change. With a more holistic approach with diet changes, core muscle and fitness training, reducing my fat intake, increase my protein and lean meats, careful review of my vitamins and increase my fluid intake and eliminating sugar, simple carbohydrates, allowing me to holistically impact my physical and mental health.

I suffered chronic fatigue, joint and muscle pain, difficulty with concentration and at times cognitive issues, making spelling and sentence construction often very difficult, loss of taste, partial loss of vision as a result of optic never damage from my original onset of MS. I didn't’ approach my physical and mental health holistically, as something that would impact my symptoms, putting all the pieces together like a puzzle creating the best plan for me. What could I change? Did my diet really have an impact? Did I need to add things and eliminate things to my diet? Holistically could I look at things differently? Started to really look into possible diet changes, fitness changes, joined a gym and started to really feel empowered by the positive energy that surrounded me.  I stared inquiring about diets, reading more, began to really educate myself about my diet and exercise choices. I began to concentrate more on my diet with proteins and lean meats. I had chronic vitamin B12 deficiency related to the MS, therefore incorporating proteins in my diet was imperative to symptom reduction.   People started to notice a difference in my physical and mental appearance; others started asking me about my fitness program, my diet, and my illness. "People I knew with MS, started to see a new way to live!"  My neurologist- felt I was a force to be reckoned with, a leader for others that struggled.  He stated, "You are the poster child for inspiration, Holly". Now I see this illness as a blessing, offering me a new vision, a new way of life and opportunity to see and cherish the GIFT of LIFE.

 I took my journaling from the onset of MS; I began to write about my personal journey ~ hoping to simply find answers – closer and peace, to the ‘Why”. Before I knew it, I had written a collection of my life’s journey, with push and encouragement from a dear friend, I published a book of inspirational poetry called " Finding Me In This Castle Built For Me" I wanted to share this journey, the fears, the thoughts, my life through poetry hoping to give others positive energy to fight, to live, to find themselves and live their life peacefully.   Simply hoping to give hope and be impactful to anyone that has struggled in their journey. My book is written hoping to capture readers looking for life's answers to those so often asked questions.  However not by giving them the answers, each person needs to find their own answers, travel their road and take their own journey, I hope this book of poetry helps them find the path meant for them, to be used as a tool, a self help book to find the peace so many look for and struggle along their way. A portion of my book sales go to the National Foundation to help raise money for MS.rx7

My mission is ~ My story - To Change the Faces of MS"

 I’m a true believer in the power of BELIEVING ~ When you BELIEVE you see some of the most amazing things ~ The ability to experience living the true gift of LIFE! Friends’ believing is living with vision. Seeing the never ending palette of color the world has to offer. DREAM and BELIEVE with me, invest in you, invest in your health, invest in believing in yourself, is one of the most powerful decisions you will ever make, one which will impact all aspects of your life - physical, mental, and emotional.

 Life accomplishments ~

* Top 100 sexiest Fitness Models For Status Fitness Magazine ~
* Won PRO Card for OCB Natural Woman's Bodybuilding Sept 2011
* National Figure Qualifier
* National Figure Jr Qualifier
* National Woman’s Bodybuilder Qualifier
* Champion Muscle Classic Woman’s BB - Ft Wayne
* Champion at Indiana Muscle and Hoosier Muscle
* Champion at Midwestern States in open and masters
* Top 15 in Woman’s photo JOePhysique at the IFBB North American Championships - Cleveland
* Published Author
* Nominated for the CNN 2010 Hero's Award
* Nominated as ~ Who's Who Most Successful Professional Woman for 2011
* Approved ~ National Fundraiser
* BSN RN with a Forensic degree; have been at my employer for 19 yrs and currently hold the position of Behavioral Health Risk Manager and Regulatory Coordinator for the past 6 yrs.


 With gratitude, I write this
Please join me in my passion, this fight to change the faces of MS
Thank you,


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