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Published on Thursday, 14 April 2011 13:46
Written by Mikaila Soto
Thoughts From My Hospital Bed
By: Mikaila Soto
IFBB Figure Pro
After my competition at the St. Louis Pro Figure show in March and well deserved birthday vacations to Miami and Las Vegas, I settled into my usual routine of work at my fitness studio. I figured with all the travel and celebrating of my birthday that my body was just a little run down so I didn't pay much attention to my symptoms. On the fifth of April, 2011, weighing in at 128.9lbs, I started to feel real sick and I had to leave work after only two hours.
April 6th, weighing 132.9 lbs, I started taking Dayquil and Nyquil. When those didn't work I tried Thera Flu. My doctor was closed on Wednesday so I made my appointment for Thursday. I didn't even attempt to go to work , I felt like I was drowning in water, I kept gasping for air.
April 7th, weighing 137.8 lbs, while at my doctors office, I had a severe asthma attack. I was admitted quickly to the hospital. While in the hospital I was diagnosed with Status Asthmaticas, I was ordered to undergo continuous breathing treatments. After my chest x-ray I was also diagnosed with pneumonia. Because of the diagnosis I was placed on the cardiac/pulmonary floor to monitor my heart and oxygen. If I can't clear up the lung congestion doctors suggested a bronchial tube to be inserted down my throat. As of today my breathing treatments are not keeping my bronchial tubes open.
April 8th, weighing 143 lbs, due to heavy doses of medications. The next few days have seen me gaining weight steadily and breathing treatments are only working for a short time. Pnemonia hasn't worsened, so doctors said no need for the bronchial tube, yea! A small victory.
April 12th, my weight has grown to an unbelievable 171.2 lbs with a one day increase of
19.2 lbs. With this rapid increase in weight, most people would believe that it is mostly water weight due to the IV, but in this case it is not true. Because of the large amounts of steroids, cortisone and other medications a large majority will be more than just water weight. Therefore, the amount of stress on the body is extremely great. Constant joint pain and stiffness make moving very difficult. The swelling of the joints has made the simple act of bending my knees very painful. Also with this stress on the body my blood pressure has soared to 170 over 80 several times during the day. This is all going on while I am still trying to get my lungs and bronchial tubes to cooperate and accomplish the simple act of breathing.
April 13th, my weight is up to 180.2 lbs. Due to the medical status at the moment, doctors orders are not to see any visitors until further notice. However, I won't let anything stop me! I will be competing on the stage in June. I say this to hopefully, encourage everyone that no matter what life puts in your way, get up and reach your goals. Never let anything stop you! "Live and love life."
Today, April 14th, The pain has increased and the swelling is off the roof and my weight is up to 188.2. Rapid 62lb in a short 5 days. I can barely type my fingers joints are hard to move.......