United States Strongman Europa Games 198/181




Name: Shawn Schumaker
Age: 34
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Years competing: 4
Occupation: Owner/Trainer at TeamBSS Fitness

mat2Where do you train?


Do you have a coach or a training crew?

I am currently training all of my strongman events by myself. Being that my gym is also a CrossFit, I always have someone there to train with even though we are working towards different goals.


I do not have any sponsors.

How did you first get started in Strongman?

I got started doing strongman by training for bodybuilding. Carrying and loading heavy stuff burns lots of calories and builds muscle. I later decided that I enjoyed training to perform better than training for looks.

mat5Who is your strength icon?

Big Z. He is all around strong and he is also pretty athletic.

Significant other/ family?

I am married and I have a one-year-old daughter, Alice, who hangs out at the gym on event days. Hopefully she learns a few things.

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 Name: Patrick Castelli

Age: 24
Nickname: The Cannon
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 177 lbs.
Years competing: 5 years
Occupation: Strength and Conditioning Coach/Consultant BioForce HRV Specialists

Where do you train?

Most of my training happens at work at Endzone Athletics facility, but I'll make trips to train whenever I can learn new things. Sometimes it's just nice to get a change of scenery. Every time someone says, "It's so easy for you to train and work out cause you work at a performance facility," yeah, well, what makes you think after spending over 40 hours a week in that place you wanna spend your free time training there?

When I get that feeling, I'll just pack my bags and spend some time training in Sequim at John "Sarge" Allen's place, up north at my alma mater in Bellingham (Western Washington University), with Grant Higa Monster down south, or even head east to train with Zack McCarley, or go all the way out to Roger and Ally Baker's facility (which is the ultimate strength playground, making each day feel like Christmas!).

pat6Do you have a coach or a training crew?

No real coach or training crew. I spend most of my time training alone and writing my own programs. I have a list of people I would refer to any time I want to bounce ideas off of and ask questions, but no one "coach". I started off with the Bellingham Boys, great crew that got me started, which essentially was a branch off the late great Jesse Marunde's Sequim Crew. I've also spent a lot of time with the Grant Higa Monster, Kristyn Whisman, and Zack McCarley group, which has enough accolades and championships to speak for themselves. Unfortunately, the last two and a half years has mostly been a solo show.


A lot of people think I'm sponsored by BioForce HRV, which is not the case. That's part of my job. I do it for a living. Believe it or not, this top ranked, 2x National Champion is COMPLETELY UNATTACHED! NOT A SINGLE SPONSOR! Any companies reading this out there....hint hint! Best lightweight strongman, just sitting here.

How did you first get started in Strongman?

I was still focused on wrestling in college for a small Division 2 school, just lifting weights to supplement my training (and, hey, I was in college, obviously trying to look good for the young ladies). I was lifting weights in the rec center, when (what I thought at the time was) a giant man (maybe 250 lbs.) with a beard and scruffy voice came up to me and was impressed with my weights and basically forced me to do a powerlifting competition he was promoting the next month.

I did it, was pretty successful, and then he made me start training with him and the Bham Boys for strongman. The guy was Chris Lee, a training partner and protégé of Jesse Marunde. I fell in love with it and followed Chris' every word and I was competing every chance I could.

Who is your strength icon?

I'd have to (with a bias) say Jesse Marunde, but when we're talking about absolute, well-rounded strength athlete/competitor, and icon as a role model, showman, and idol... hands down, Mikhail "Misha" Koklyaev.

pat2Significant other/ family?

I have a pretty amazing family and an awesome significant other. If we're talking about the day-in and day-out, my girlfriend obviously takes the cake. As a "roommate" she doesn't get much choice, she's always around it, and my life revolves around it. She puts up with the most, and is sure to let me know, but for whatever reason she's stuck around.

That all being said, I would need to confer the number one spot to my dad. You wanna talk about salt of the earth, competitive, gritty, tough son-of-a-bitch, he's my guy! Better than all those similar qualities though, he's absolutely brilliant and puts the term workhorse to an absolute understatement.

He's not there for me in the day-in day-out stuff like my girlfriend in terms of physical presence, but he always keeps a watchful eye on me. When it's show time and push comes to shove, I can be sure he'll be the one calling me, and he'll know exactly what to say. I owe him more than anyone for everything, but definitely for my success in strongman. No matter which way you wanna break it down and look at it, he's simply one bad dude, and I fucking love him for it. 

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Name: Mike Sidwell
Age: 31
Nickname: Relentless Juggernaut
Height: 5'7"
Weight: Compete 175 and 181. Non-contest weight varies depending on volume of Waffle House, but generally 192.
Years competing: Four.
Occupation: Critical Care Travel Nurse.

sid4Where do you train?

Willie Wessels U.S.S. Gym and JD's Gym.

Do you have a coach or a training crew?

Chase Karnes, Clint Darden, and Willie Wessels have all been instrumental in coaching, programming and/or tips. I'm blessed to know them. My crew is a random variation of people. But, Jamie, Johnathon and Adam are my constants.


The Meat Locker, Reaction Nutrition, Retro Brand (Waffle House apparel) and Logan University of Chiropractic sponsor me. Capo's Alaskan Beard Oil and 1740 Beard Balm support my beard.

sid2How did you first get started in Strongman?

Someone suggested I try strongman instead of bodybuilding. I was blessed to be in the same vicinity as W.A.R. Gym where Willie Wessels trained at the time.

Who is your strength icon?

My Dad and my Grandpa.

Significant other/ family?

Fiancée and training partner, Jamie; my son, Grayson; and Jamie's kids, Donovan and Makayla.








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Name: Richard Stout
Age: 28
Nickname: Lightsout Stout
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 190 but compete at 175, 200, and whatever on the in between.
Years competing: Four years.
Occupation: I am currently a fitness instructor at Navy Fitness on the Kings Bay Navy Base. I do personal training, group exercise classes, create exercise programs, and command pt's for the sailors. The job is very rewarding and enjoyable. I am looking to eventually be a fitness coordinator or facilities coordinator next. I would love to run a facility or even own my own down the road.

rich1Where do you train?

I currently train at the Navy Base with my own equipment and I train at Drew's Gym in Jacksonville, Florida (ASC Pro Andrew Clayton). I used to train at Team BSS in Boardman, Ohio; Ironman Warehouse in Youngstown, Ohio; and Iron House Gym in Niles, Ohio. Even though I currently live in Georgia, I still consider these gyms my home and will never forget my roots (great places full of great people).

Do you have a coach or a training crew?

My training partners down here are ASC Pro Andrew Clayton and our buddy Austin Voutour. I also train on base with our other instructors, Kaleb Henninger and Josh Easter. When I do go back to Ohio I always stop in and get a session at Team BSS with Brandy and Shawn Schumaker. I also catch up with the old crew in Niles, Ohio (Kris Whitsel, my brother Larry Stout and Aaron Koches), the guys that got me started in the sport and are part of our "Circus Freaks Strongman Team".


I used to be sponsored locally in Ohio by Team BSS. I do not have any sponsors down here but still wear the Circus Freaks Strongman gear when I compete.

How did you first get started in Strongman?

My friends started competing and I was finishing up my last season of lacrosse and last semester of undergraduate school and wanted to pursue another sport. I started training the events, met some great people, dedicated myself to the sport, and the rest is history.

Who is your strength icon?

I love watching Brian Shaw because he's a great competitor and a great American athlete. I've always liked watching Mariusz Pudzianowski too; guy always came to play and he closed it out and finished so often with the win.

rich3Significant other/ family?

My girlfriend Meghan Susko; she is such a great woman and always sticks by me through everything. My twin sister Stephanie Stout; she is such a great sister and supporter. She comes to all the competitions she can and is willing to make the long trips. My brother Larry Stout; he is a great training partner and brother to hang around with. He was such a huge help with preparation for World Championships last year and a great person to have in my corner. My parents and grandparents have been there through it all and have always given me great support. I have been very blessed with the great people I have in my life.

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Name: Casey Day
Age: 26
Nickname: Guys I started Strongman with called me Mario but that didn't travel with me.
Height: 5'4''
Weight: 180-200. Currently 185.
Years competing: Four in strongman, 5.5 in powerlifting.
Occupation: I own and operate my own flooring installation company. I am a floor covering sub-contractor.

casey3Where do you train?

I train primarily at home during the week. I have built a great home gym over the years. I do events at The Anvil Gym in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I also try and get up to Minneapolis, Minnesota, to train with Tim Kovach when I can.

Do you have a coach or a training crew?

I do not have a coach, but I do bounce ideas off of Tim and Ken McClelland (Anvil owner). I do events with the B-team at the Anvil.


I have never really worked to get sponsors. It has been my belief that if I am good enough sponsors will find me. Guess I am not there yet.

casey5How did you first get started in Strongman?

Found a contest, contacted the promoter, signed up, and competed. I competed in powerlifting and got bored very quickly and sought out the strongman community.

Who is your strength icon?

Anyone stronger than me.

casey4Significant other/ family?

My wife Alisha. I would not be able to compete at the level I do without her. She is the most supportive and understanding person I have ever met. I lost my younger brother to Crossfit so that leaves my brothers of Iron at The Anvil and the Quad City Strongman crew. Those two crews got me started and keep me going.

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Name: Quint Zambon

Age: 34

Nickname: 'Q', 'Doodle', more recently referred to as 'Young Hickory' or 'Tri-Quad'
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 175 (I walk around 188).
Years competing: 3.5
Occupation: Strength and Conditioning Coach and Speed Specialist. Run my own business, which is primarily training athletes of all sports. I spread awesomeness to almost everyone I encounter.

qz1Where do you train? 

Forge Fitness in Crystal Lake, Illinois.

Do you have a coach or a training crew?

Yep, my own crew. The untouchable Strength Crew: Former LW Women's National Champion Tracy Stankavage, 2014 Arnold Qualifier Adam Corra (12th place at Worlds), 3x National Qualifier Trevor Rutkowski. Other National Qualifiers: Kevin Brummond, Scott Taylor, Sam Nirva, Rachel Stone, Kim Stone, and Andrew Webster. Former Members: Paige Roeser (12 place at 2013 Arnold World Championship), Haley Smith (National Qualifier), and Kyle Hedge (National Qualifier).


I do have a few local businesses who sponsor me for Nationals and Worlds.

How did you first get started in Strongman? 

I trained on and incorporated a lot of strongman training in my athlete training for a long time now. Sometime around 2010, I finally hung up my soccer boots. I needed something else to compete in, and I loved training strongman. That was coupled with my athletes and clients really wanting me to see where I matched up on a National Level. So I did my first show and I was instantly hooked.

Who is your strength icon?

Phil Phister was always my favorite and the guy I cheered for when I was younger. Really enjoyed the way he competed and handled himself off the "field". I especially liked Pyrros Dimas when I was a young man, and I appreciate him even more now. Little guy with so much explosiveness and strength. Still wish I had that.

qz2Significant other/ family?

Girlfriend: Tracy Stankavage (mentioned above).
Three brothers: Chad, Ryan, Ross
Two sisters: Shane and Shawn
Mom and Step Dad: Larry and Chris Cannon
Dad and Step Mom: Jim and Betty Zambon
Step Brother: Mark Cannon
Step Sister: Susan Cannon

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