Women's Work: Europa Games Amazons Live Qualifier



Name: Ashley Lawrence

Age: 26

Nickname: Ashole

Height: 4'11''

Weight: 140ish

Years competing: Since June 2012

Occupation: New Middletown Village Street Department Supervisor

Where do you train? Team BSS Training and Fitness in Boardman, Ohio.

Do you have a coach or a training crew? I train with a great group of guys on Saturday mornings who are always pushing you to do better. I would have to say that our ring leader, Shawn Schumaker has played a huge role in where I am today.

How did you first get started in Strongman? I played softball and soccer year-round growing up and I was always very competitive. In 2011 my oldest sister Brandy and her husband Shawn opened up Team BSS. My main goal was to lose the weight I had put on over the 5 years that I had not been playing sports, which was kind of a lot. I started with circuit training classes then moved on to lifting and found out that I liked picking up heavy stuff.

I loved watching WSM growing up and I always wanted to try it. One day I asked Shawn if they had any shows where women could compete; he said yes. We found a show and a few months later we were in Mansfield, Ohio competing. I have been hooked ever since!

ashley3Who is your strength icon? When I started competing I always looked up to Rachel Pyron. She is an amazing athlete and inspired me because we are about the same size... little. I'm just a little heavier... and she kicks butt!

Significant other/ family? I have a ton of support from my family, friends and, of course, my gym family. My husband Chuck and most of my family are at every local competition.

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Name: Caitlin Yuhas

Age: 27

Nickname: U-Haul

Height: 5' 5''

Weight: 155lbs

Years competing: 1st anniversary in April!

Occupation: Personal Trainer/Professional Dancer

Where do you train? Global Strongman Gym, NYC http://www.globalstrongmangym.com/

Do you have a coach or a training crew? I'm coached by Chad Canter of PowerNYC Training Services http://www.powernyctraining.com/

Sponsors? PowerNYC Training Services, Global Strongman Gym

How did you first get started in Strongman? Chad and I were colleagues at a gym in midtown Manhattan - I knew he competed in Strongman, and eventually I asked him to give me a session. Within that first hour of stones and farmer carries, I was invigorated and totally hooked...I took on my first contest in April 2013 and haven't looked back.

Who is your strength icon? Stefanie Tropea of Punch Kettlebell Gym is a huge inspiration, both as a competitor and as a businesswoman... I'm always keeping my eyes on Maya Winters, too. And I'm fascinated by strongwomen of the 19th/early 20th century (Athleta, Miss Vulcana, etc.). They really paved the way for us, though I have no 1interest in lifting anything with my teeth!

Significant other/ family? My Global Strongman Gym family is certainly on that list - huge thanks to Chad Canter and owner Hans Pirman for their constant encouragement. Also my choreographers/fellow dancers who completely support this sport; my friends and loved ones here in New York; and my parents and brother, cheering me on from the Midwest.

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NamAshleySmithConane: Ashley K. Smith

Age: 40

Nickname: according to whom?

Height 5'7"

Weight: 170-ish

Years competing: one year and eight months

Occupation: Head "Grunt" at Office Depot & Personal Trainer at SkinnyLife SA.

Where do you train? Where ever Jill tells me to be...most days Explosive Sports Performance (San Antonio, Texas)...occasionally a park, the barn, a three story mall, or a 115 degree parking lot. For any extra work, that I am not supposed to be doing, I go to Rivercity CrossFit or my garage.

Do you have a coach or a training crew? I am one small piece of the creatively named, Team Jill Mills. I train four days a week with the best lifting partner ever, Lorraine Esquival, and we get schooled on bench, dead, and squat days by Jill. Jill has also taught me everything I know about strongman event training, and competi-tion prep. I am extremely lucky to have this caliber of coaching, and a training part-ner that knows no limits. They both push me every day, and the little bit of success I haAshleySmithTruckve had, I owe to them. Expectations are held to a pretty high standard, which I thrive on...but in the event of an unexpected horrible performance, I will deny any knowledge of the above statement, and claim that I recieve on-line coaching.

Sponsors? The above list jobs. Although, if Big Red and/or Chips Ahoy put an offer on the table, I might consider them.

How did you first get started in Strongman? I had been training with Jill for about five months, and she was preparing to host a dual competition weekend. I was training for the powerlifting portion, my first full meet. About two weeks out, I looked at the events for Texas Strongest, and it sounded like a lot of fun. I approached Jill about doing both comps, got a crash course in each of the events, and ended up placing third in strongman, and winning my weight class in powerlifting.

Who is your strength icon? There are soooo many 2x World's Strongest Women, it is a tough choice... but I guess I would have to pick Jill Mills. Seriously, though, I can remember watching her second title on ESPN. It made a huge impression on me... the events, the sport, and the fact that the woman who dominated it all was from right here in San Antonio.

I was also able to meet Jill at a WNBA game she attended in the sum-mer of '03. I literally pushed past some legendary women's basketball coaches just to be able to say hello. Ten years later, I wanted to try powerlifting, looked her up, and have not stopped learning since. She is not only representative of women's strength sports, but is one hell of coach for powerlifting and strongman. I am extremely lucky to have experienced both sides, as a fan watching on tv and now a student of the sport.

Significant other/ family? My partner in life and crime for the last 12 years, Brooke. Three dogs, two cats, and a partridge in a pear tree.

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Name: Cynthia McCright

Age: 26

Nickname: Bear

Height 5’ 3”

Weight: 150 lbs

Years competing: 1 year

Occupation: Licensed Massage Therapist

Where do you train? Global Strongman Gym in NYC

Do you have a coach or a training crew? I train with Chad Canter of Power NYC 

Sponsors? Power NYC http://www.powernyctraining.com/
Global Strongman Gym http://www.globalstrongmangym.com/

How did you first get started in Strongman? I met my trainer Chad at a gym where we were both working at the time. We started
trading services and before I knew it I was in the strongman gym flipping 450# tires and loading atlas stones. I really owe a great deal to Chad and Hans (the owner of Global) for believing in me and encouraging me to compete. Now strongman holds a permanent space in my life.

Who is your strength icon? There are so many women in this sport who inspire me. When I first started lifting I
studied a lot of Alanna Casey and Maya Winters videos.

Significant other/ family?
My mom Melissa who supports me from behind the scenes mostly. My Father
Levy Betancourt who body builds. My Sokka Gakkai (Nichiren Buddhist) family who constantly inspire and encourage me to breakthrough my limitations. My mentor in life Daisaku Ikeda who is always reminding me of my unlimited potential. 

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VitaSharon Axlels:

Name: Sharon Moss

Age: 33

Height: 5’8”

Weight: SHW

Years competing: Since June 2012

Occupation: Nonprofit management

Where do you train?
I train at Beyond Limits in Columbus, Ohio with my training Sharon Mosspartner Rob Thompson.

Do you have a coach or a training crew? I’m fortunate to train events with an amazing group--bright and early--Team B.O.S.S. I’ve learned so much from these guys.

How did you first get started in Strongman?

Short answer: On a dare.

After about five years of sedentary, post-college office work grind, I took up weight training because I knew I needed to do something. The owner of my (then) gym noticed me lifting and challenged me to try a competition. I entered my first show not knowing how to clean a log or that tacky was a thing. Thanks to the kindness of other competitors (many of whom are now my friends and training partners), I got through it and have been hooked ever since.

Who is your strength icon? All the heavyweight women! Specifically, Kristin Rhodes and Cheryl Haworth were the first heavyweight women I saw lift.

Significant other/ family? I have an amazing support network of friends and family. My husband, DJ, keeps me fed and gets up early on his days off to come watch me compete. We have a couple cats and a dog that appears to be a cross between a lab and a manatee.

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Name: Kristy Scott 

Age: 32

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 190

Years competing: Strongwoman 3 years, Powerlifting 12 years, Highland Games 4 years

Occupation: Physical Therapist, Manager of the Physical Therapy Department at Orthopedics Northwest in Yakima, Washington.

Where do you train? I split my training between RAB Fitness in Kennewick, WA and The Gym in Ellensburg, WA.

Do you have a coach or a training crew? Coached by the one and only Jill Mills!

Sponsors? Currently sponsored by GenXLabs.

How did you first get started in Strongman?

I first became interested in strongman when I started training at RAB Fitness. I was switching backunnamed-2 to competitive powerlifting after a short stint of bodybuilding. A group from the gym would train strongman events on Saturday mornings, so I joined them for several sessions. Strongman felt like a great fit for me and I entered my first contest shortly after in Corvallis, Oregon.

Who is your strength icon? When I first started powerlifting in 2001/2002, I was inspired by and admired Jill Mills. She matched an image of what I dreamed of becoming one day. Jill set unbelievably high standards and provided goals to push for with her long list of accomplishments, records, and titles.

Now I’m super lucky to be coached by my long time idol. She will always be a legend in the iron game and I can only hope to achieve a portion of what she has done not only for herself but also for the sport for women.

Significant other/ family? I’m very fortunate to have 100% support from my husband of 10 years, Mike Scott for my hobbies of strength including strongman, powerlifting, highland games, as well as for all other aspects of life! He was the first to ignite my passion for strength sports and coached me in my beginning years of powerlifting. I certainly would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for him.

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Name: Lisa Kromer

Age: 39

Height: 5’4” (If I round up!)

Weight: Currently 170, 132 weight class is the goal

Years competing: Since 2000

Occupation: Demand Planner – ConAgra Foods Lamb Weston

Where do you train? RAB Fitness in Kennewick, Washington.

Do you have a coach or a training crew? Mike Kromer.


Sponsors? Hydraulix



How did you first get started in Strongman?
Enjoyed watching Mike compete, wanted to be part of the fun.

Who is your strength icon? Kristin Whisman.

Significant other/ family? Mike Kromer – married 15 years (16 on May 1st !)

Our sons – Xavier (11), Samuel (6 months)

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