Ideal Reps and Sets for Muscle Growth



"What are the ideal reps and sets for muscle growth?" The question has been around as long as bodybuilding. You may be thinking that you know exactly the right reps and sets for muscle growth. Three sets per each exercise and 6-12 reps, right? It's what the average bodybuilder has been doing since bodybuilding began. Unfortunately, the answer is not that simple.

Yes, 6-12 reps is a great start for your workout program. That rep scheme creates greater hypertrophy than lower reps. Fewer than 6 reps and you are primarily focused on building strength, not muscle growth. Higher than 12 reps and your primary focus is muscle endurance rather than muscle growth. Muscle growth is all about breaking the muscle down and rebuilding it adequately. So, 6-12 reps is ideal, right? Wrong! 

There is so much more than the amount of reps and sets when it comes to muscle growth. You have to remember the reps and sets are just a small part of the puzzle. Nutrition is as important to muscle growth as the actual workout. Recovery is also a factor.

So, let’s assume you have your nutrition on point and you are giving your body adequate recovery time. What does it take to break the muscle down and produce maximum growth? If you were to only do 6-12 reps you would miss out on so much. There is a huge advantage to adding in sets with less than 6 reps and also adding in sets with higher than 12 reps.

You have factors like hormones, stretching out the fascia, and keeping from hitting plateaus. Super sets, giant sets, and drop sets can all make a tremendous difference. Changing up rest periods can make a big difference, too. 

Bottom line? When it comes to maximizing muscle growth, if you are only doing 3 sets per body part and 6-12 reps then you are missing out on muscle growth. There is no standard or perfect amount of reps or sets. From a beginner to a pro, each individual’s body is different and must be treated as such. If I'm writing a workout program for a beginner it will be much simpler than if I was writing one for an individual who has been training for years.

Personally, I do reps anywhere from 5 to 50. I incorporate giant sets, drop sets, super sets, low rest periods, long rest periods, no rest periods, etc. The secret is to break the muscle down, stretch the muscle out, fill it with blood, nutrients, and then give it time to recover. In the sport of bodybuilding, there are no rules, just guidelines. Make sure you vary your training and keep your intensity high!

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