The Benefits of Alternating Your Workouts

When imageyou first start training, the body goes through a lot of neuromuscular changes; therefore, you don't need to alternate your routines very much and due to being a novice you are still learning correct form and techniques.  By continuing to follow a workout without any change, it can place you in a tough plateau to break through.  Aside from that, it cause your workouts to become monotonous and tedious. In order to burn fat, you should try to change your routine every 4 to 8 weeks. Even when building muscle it’s a good idea to cycle your workouts.

A similar rule applies to cardio.  The body adapts to cardiovascular training by becoming more energy-efficient.  If you are an athlete this is ideal for your sport. But this is not so great if you are looking to lose weight. So to combat this try alternating your cardio sessions every 2 weeks, here is my sample plan:
Week 1 to 2 - Jogging
Week 3 to 4 - Skipping
Week 5 to 6 - Rowing
Week 7 to 8 - Sprints

Those are some ideas for cardio adjustments.  This wouldn't be complete if we didn't discuss weight training options.  Let's look at ways to alter your resistance training for better results.
1. Amount of reps and sets
2. Length of workout
3. How many rest days you have
4. Intensity of workouts

During strength training another option for variety is to use different training equipment for some or all of the exercises in your workout routine (e.g., substitute a dumbbell pectoral fly exercise on a stability ball for your typical barbell bench press exercise), or use resistance machines instead of dumbbells.

So next time you’re in the gym change it up and keep it interesting

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