Are you Ready to achieve a New Level of Success? – “Breaking the Mental Inertia”
What do Olympic athletes and other pro athletes know or do that normal athletes don't? They know as much or perhaps a bit more than most athletes with regards to training regimen, nutrition, and mechanics; however, they behave much differently. They do what they know, and master each aspect of training. The aspect that Olympic and other pro athletes master is their mindset.
Are you ready to achieve a new level of success in some aspect of your life?
It seems an easy enough goal, right? After all, you’re smart and motivated. You’ve been training and doing your thing for some time and feel pretty much on track. And there is no shortage of advice about what to do to reach your goals, perfect your physique or live your dreams and thus experience this greater success.
Tempting as it may be to blame the problem on bad advice, on a coach or trainer, on how you implement your plan or on some other external factor, to do so would be a mistake. The problem isn’t you or outside of you, but it lies within you.
The problem is with your mindset—the “Mental Inertia” —the rarely discussed, but critical, underlying component of every successful achievement. Yet despite this fact, few people realize success is not based strictly on what you do or how you do it. Instead, it is directly connected to how you think.
Ultimately then, it’s your thoughts, including your beliefs, that serve as the basis for all your subsequent actions, choices and behaviors. All of which either contribute to your success or lack thereof.
Thus, it’s only by shifting your mindset and then aligning your actions accordingly that you begin to follow a success paradigm which creates consistent results.
There are two basic mindsets, but each varies vastly and by a simple shifting from one to the other will provide hugely different results. The “Fixed” and the “Growth” Mindset.
In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. They also believe that talent alone creates success. No effort required. They’re wrong.
In a growth mindset, people believe their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. Brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. Virtually all great people have had these qualities.
I have always said, when it comes down to choosing between working with two people, I will take work ethic over skill and talent any day.
Teaching a growth mindset creates motivation and productivity in the worlds of business, education, and sports. It enhances relationships.
In other words, you have to “act as if”.
Act as if you have already achieved what you’re seeking.
Act as if you are already that person you aspire to become.
Breaking through the “Mental Inertia” takes a planned, calculated approach and requires a shift in thinking.
So, how do we as active physique competitors and athletes make this shift?
Think Abundantly!
When a mindset is based on lack or limited thinking rather than one of abundance, it causes you to react to “what is right now” rather than respond to your vision of “what can be.” This means you determine what is possible based only on your current available resources. As a result, this severely limits and inaccurately “pre-determines” what you can achieve.
With an abundant or responsive mindset, however, you not only have a vision of what is possible, you develop and then follow a clear-cut strategy to achieve it. This strategy also includes being open to or identifying innovative ways to bring those necessary and needed resources into your life, even if you can’t see how to do so initially.
Think Big!
Yes; this mindset seems obvious. So much so, it has almost become the official platitude for success. Nevertheless, the truth is most people think and start small in the hope they will eventually achieve and then live their bigger life goals and dreams.
However, it’s best to think big right from the start and then create the success strategy needed to reach that goal. In this way, your vision and your strategy influence your action steps. And it’s these direct action steps towards your goals or dreams, which determine what you can and will achieve.
Think Positively!
This mindset seems (almost) overly simplistic that you may feel tempted to discount it. Don’t.
In addition, its regular overuse as an inept platitude to offer encouragement when one encounters difficulty or struggle has diminished its perceived value too. This, however, doesn’t mean it’s without worth.
Think Differently!
Your current thinking is what has created and led to your current level of success. Thus, if you want to live a bigger vision for your life you need to think differently, especially as this directly influences your choices, behaviors and actions steps too.
However, most people continue to follow what’s worked for them in the past and mistakenly believe it will take them to the next level of success. Because they continue to do the same thing over and over again yet expect different results they become disappointed. Frustrated, they wonder why nothing changes or improves for them and over time are likely to give up on their goals or dreams altogether.
Think Decisively!
When setting goals or pursuing a dream, make sure they are something you truly want to do, be or have. Then make a firm and fully committed decision to pursue them.
If you’re not one hundred percent decided and passionate about your goals or dreams, then when challenges arise (and they will!), you’ll likely waver. Nothing stops the flow or experience of success faster than hesitation and indecision.
Think Commitment!
A strong, unwavering commitment contains within it the power to initiate a flow of serendipitous events. This includes, but is not limited to, the necessary resources or opportunities needed to support your pursuit of greater success.
Make the commitment. Stick with it. See it through!
Think Gratitude!
Gratitude is an often misunderstood, but powerful, success mindset. It’s not something you express after you achieve your goal, but a mindset you maintain while in pursuit of it. As such, worry and doubt are replaced with both a trust and faith that your goals and dreams are not only possible, but already achieved—and successfully so. All that’s left for you to do then is to take the necessary steps to transform your “gratitude” into reality. And then to enjoy and celebrate your newly created success!
“Successful people are 100% convinced that they are masters of their own destiny, they’re not creatures of circumstance, they create circumstance, if the circumstances around them suck they change them.” – Jordan Belfort
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