Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) is an amino acid that is actually classified as a neurotransmitter. It functions like a natural tranquilizer by taking up residence in the nerve receptor sites in the brain which are normally reserved for stress and anxiety. In this respect it is highly regarded and frequently used in the treatment of panic/anxiety attacks and as a sleep enhancer. However, this remarkable substance has so much more to offer than just assisting you in obtaining a good night's sleep. Here are just a few of the benefits to be gained from the regular use of this supplement:
Probably one of the most interesting effects of GABA for bodybuilders is its ability to significantly increase growth hormone levels. Growth hormone has an extremely positive impact on the body when it comes to mood, energy levels, tissue repair and muscle growth. In a clinical trial conducted in 1980 it was shown that on administration of a single 5 gram oral dose of GABA, blood levels of growth hormone displayed a five-fold increase. This is considered the maximum amount that should be taken for this purpose as increasing GABA intake beyond this dose was not shown to have any additional benefits. So in the case of GABA more is not better. It is also wise to slowly build up to high doses - a good place to start would be around 2000mg - in order to determine individual tolerance levels. This is advisable because some individuals may experience a tingling sensation reminiscent of a ‘niacin flush' and a slight shortness of breath on initially experimenting with GABA. This is not harmful and usually subsides once the body becomes accustomed to its use, however some people may find it uncomfortable.
The most beneficial time to take GABA is 30-45 minutes before bedtime. This takes advantage of your body's natural release of growth hormone which occurs approximately 90 minutes after you fall asleep. It also correlates well with GABA's slight sedative effects. It has been suggested that taking an extra dose of GABA during the early morning hours would generate another spike in growth hormone levels. However, no studies have been performed to prove that this would provide any additional benefits, added to which having the discipline to wake up and take this second dose would surely prove to be too much for most people!
The results of GABA supplementation vary from person to person but the one universally experienced effect is an improvement in the quality and duration of sleep. Many people also report an increase in lucid dream activity and an improved feeling of well being on awakening. In addition to this, nagging injuries are alleviated and workout recovery times are dramatically reduced. It is also worth noting that a decrease in body fat and an increase in lean mass can often be observed in as little as two weeks following the onset of GABA administration.
It is worthwhile mentioning that as a supplement GABA has received less attention from medical researchers than it deserves. This is interesting since the studies that have been conducted have reported very positive results with GABA use. Its high concentration in the hypothalamus suggests that it plays a significant role in hypothalamic-pituitary function. Since the pituitary gland is the master gland affecting all hormone functions in the body it is safe to say that GABA's influence may positively benefit many health conditions affecting society today.
In the meantime, as a sleep aid, recovery enhancer and growth hormone releaser it deserves a prime position on your supplement shelf, so go and check it out at your local health store today. You may also want to check out a product called SOMALYZE from Species Nutrition ( since this product combines GABA with several other nutrients in order to improve sleep patterns and enhance fat loss throughout the night.
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