Fat Loss Tips and Advice

Are you having trouble losing weight? You’re not alone in being frustrated when it comes to losing body fat. The main ingredient missing frof10 lisem most people’s fat loss strategy is knowledge. So let’s go ahead and fix that.

First off, you’re going to have to get your diet in order. There are many ways to “skin a cat”, or “shed a pound,” in this case. And I don’t have enough room to get into all of your options here in this column, but what you will want to do is start keeping track of your macronutrients: protein, fat and carbohydrates. It sounds daunting at first, but once you start paying attention to what you’re putting in your mouth, you’ll soon see that scale start to move. Check out my “Shock & Awe” training, diet and supplement plan on my blog (www.agarmt.com/blog). It doesn’t matter if you compete or not, the information there applies to everyone. It will give you all the info you need on setting up your meal plan, whether your goal be shedding fat or gaining mass.

Secondly, you have to be active. Without having the proper nutrition and doing the right kind of cardio, you may have just been spinning your wheels. I normally advise clients to stick with low to moderate cardio (the treadmill is great), keeping heart rate between 120 and 140 beats per minute (LISS). Higher intensity cardio (HIIT) is certainly more time efficient and burns fat well, too. You should limit this type of cardio to a max of three-four times per week. Cardio first thing in the morning after a scoop of AMMO-8 (essential amino acids, not BCAAs) may be the most effective time to do cardio.

I encourage six hours between training and cardio for best results. Post-workout, when glycogen levels are low, is okay as a final option. Of course, don’t do cardio in lieu of weight training. Big muscles burn fat over the long haul better than anything else. There are a lot of research studies showing that weight lifting is superior for fat loss and body composition changes over cardio. A combo is best.

Some other tips for faammo 8t loss: drink lots of water (at least four liters a day), eat plenty of fiber, eat sufficient protein (minimum one gram per lean pound of bodyweight), avoid sugar and most fried foods, and get tested for food allergies. Any sort of inflammation in the body can bring your fat burning efforts to a screeching halt.

Once you’ve got your diet and training in check, you can add a high quality fat burner like F-10 to your arsenal. Good fat burners work! They are not magical pills (darn it), but they will help you lose fat much more quickly than diet and exercise alone. Always check with your doctor before using a powerful fat burner like F-10. If you have a heart condition or high blood pressure it may not be for you – stick with a good diet and cardio. It’ll just take you a little longer to get there, but it’ll happen.

Most fat burners require two doses per day. I recommend taking one dose first thing in the morning and the second four to six hours later (before an afternoon training session is a good idea). Be careful not to take F-10 too close to bedtime or you may find yourself having trouble sleeping. This product is intended to increase thermogenesis, boost cAMP, and enhance energy and focus.

Chris Johnson is the CEO of Advanced Genetics. He is an IFBB Pro, certified personal trainer and is considered one of Canada’s leading experts on sports nutrition and supplementation.


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