Muscle Gossip #48- IFBB Pro Robert Burneika Fights!


I have followed the UFC since its inception. My favorite UFC fighters always possessed bodybuilder-like physiques. Guys like Ken Shamrock, Mark Kerr, Victor Belfort and Mark Coleman not only looked like bad asses, they were bad ass. However, as muscular as those early UFC fighters were, they don’t come close to comparing to IFBB Pro Robert Burneika.

robert burneika na mma attack 640x360 crop rozmiar-niestandardowyWhy am I comparing a current IFBB Pro Bodybuilder to some of the muscular legends of the UFC? Well, on April 27th, 2012, Robert Burneika will make his fighting debut in the MMA ring. The big event, MMA Attack 2, will take place in Kotowice, Poland and Burneika will take on former pro boxer Marcin Najman. Najman is probably best well known as the man who lost to former World’s Strongest Man Marius Pudzianowski in his MMA debut. In that particular fight, Pudzianowski defeated Najman only minutes after the fight began.

z9562693XRobert-Burneika-w-KrakowieDave Palumbo recently had Robert on his radio show, Heavy Muscle Radio (http://www.rxmuscle.com/hmr-radio-show/5030-jefftheproducer-hmr-v15-4109.html) as a guest and he asked him how this fight came to be and if he was going to give up bodybuilding for the MMA. Robert replied, “It’s one fight, for now at least...but I am not quitting bodybuilding.” Robert also mentioned that he hasn’t fought in any sense in the last 10-12 years but he still feels he “knows some stuff”. When asked how he was training for this fight, Burneika replied, “I’m currently 280 pounds. I’m trying to stay big.”

Anyone familiar with the MMA circuit knows that it takes more than big muscles to be successful. Robert Burneika, at 5’9” and 280 pounds, is going to have a hell of a challenge enduring a long fight. Known for his massive 24 inch arms, Robert may find those huge guns to be more of a hindrance than a benefit. He is going to have to hold those big arms up in a defensive position and throw multiple punches during the course of the fight. When asked how he is going to overcome this potential problem, Robert replied “I will knock him out in less than 30 seconds.” When Palumbo asked him, “What if you don’t?”, Burneika replied, “I will.”

mma attack2 plakatWhen Robert was asked how much money he will make with this fight, he was slightly evasive at first. When Dave asked him if he would be making more money than he could by winning a pro bodybuilding contest, Robert replied, “Oh yeah, a lot more!”.

Although part of the draw of having Robert fight in the MMA is seeing a big, muscular guy in the ring, you also have to consider his incredible popularity in Poland. Robert “Hardcorowy Koksu” Burneika is a big name in his home country. He has his own reality show on TV in Poland, he runs his own supplement line and, get this, he is even a rapper! Check out his music video here:


Personally, I hope Robert is successful in his MMA debut and kicks some ass! Robert says that this fight will be found on youtube shortly after the fight and I, for one, will definitely be looking for it! By the way, that unique nickname, “Hardcorowy Koksu” translates into Hardcore Juicer! LOL!

*Column was edited by Natural Mr. O, John Hansen! Thanks, John!

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