Triple H and Dave Palumbo in Sept 09 Muscle and Fitness Magazine!

MF_SEPT_COVER1CHECK OUT DAVE PALUMBO AND TRIPLE H IN THE SEPTEMBER ISSUE OF MUSCLE & FITNESS MAGAZINE!  You read that right!  Our own Dave Palumbo (in the bright neon green "SPECIES" tank top) throws down, hardcore, old-school chest and back with WWE Superstar Triple H in the September 09 issue of Muscle & Fitness magazine.  Dave has been working with Trip since well before his World Wrestling Championship victory over Randy Orton at Wrestlemania.  And, the work is paying off!  As you marvel at the incredible size and condition of the WWE superstar, remember that he is subject to perhaps the most stringent drug testing program in the country. Trip has been following Dave's high protein, low carb, moderate fat, ketogenic diet for over a year now and he's always in killer shape.

Make sure to check out the hardcore back and chest workout that Dave puts Triple H through right in the WWE Headquarter's Gym.  Find out all the secrets that help Triple H to be one of the biggest, hardest, WWE Superstars!

So, don't waste any time!  Get down to the newstand and pick up September's issue of M&F magazine.  You won't be disappointed!

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