Fitness Factoids: Volume 32
Higher Vitamin D Levels Linked to Improved Breast Cancer Prognosis
A new study released online by the journal Breast Cancer Research and Treatment that women who have higher serum levels of vitamin D are less likely to suffer reoccurrence and death due to the disease. A meta-analysis was conducted by a team of researchers at The University of Toronto that compiled the data from eight studies which contained 5,691 participants, all of whom had been diagnosed with breast cancer. After analyzing blood work researchers found that nearly 36% of all women had clinically significant low levels of vitamin D. The women who were found that have higher serum levels of vitamin D were determined to be less likely to suffer from reoccurrence of the disease and had a 76% lower risk of death.
Arsenic Tied to Increased Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke
As of late there has been a great deal of awareness being raised about the potentially toxic amounts of arsenic contained in our food and drinking water. New information recently released by the journal Annals of Medicine has found a link between elevated levels of arsenic, and an increased risk of death from stroke and heart disease. The study tracked over 3,600 Native American men between 1989 and 2008. Researchers found that participants whose arsenic levels were in the top-quarter of the study were 50% more likely to die from stroke or heart attack. Although they were unable to determine a direct link between elevated levels of arsenic and what causes CVD, they do acknowledge that there is a correlation, and advice people to be aware of their blood levels of arsenic.
Polyphenols Linked to Increased Longevity
A new study released by the Journal of Nutrition has drawn a direct link between polyphenols consumption and increased longevity. The study tracked 807 participants over a span of twelve years in which they measured levels of total urinary polyphenols (TUP) consumption to determine the direct impact of polyphenols on health. Polyphenols are compounds that are found in a number of foods such as fruits, vegetables, coffee, nuts and a number of other foods as well – and have been shown to have antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic effects in the body. Researchers found that those with the highest levels of TUP (over 650mg) had a 36% reduction in mortality rate compared to those with lower levels of TUP (under 500mg).
Protein Linked to Brain Health
A study conducted by the Harvard Medical School and published in the journal Cell Metabolism has found that a protein expressed during endurance exercise improves cognitive function. The protein, identified as FNDC5, is only expressed during endurance exercise and has been shown to increase the growth of new nerves associated with learning and memory. Scientists are optimistic about the future treatment potential for patients suffering from diseases such as Alzheimer’s and hope to be able to isolate the naturally occurring substance for further study.
Drinking Fruit Juice Increase Diabetes Risk
Although there has been a recent surge in the popularity of juicing, new information presented by Life Extension might make you want to reconsider. Research conducted by Harvard Medical School has shown that eating fruit can reduce your risk of acquiring diabetes by up to 13%. However, the same study found that those who drank one or more cups of fruit juice per day actually showed a 21% increase in diabetes risk factors. Despite the news, researchers are not recommending a decreased intake of fruit, but they do advise that consumers choose to eat their fruit as opposed to drinking it.
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