Fitness Factoids: Volume 75

Train StroTtrinstrongng and Live Long

We may not have the ability to prevent aging, but we do have a say in determining how we age. Thousands of studies provide evidence detailing the ability of diet and exercise to be able to improve our quality of life during our golden years and help us fight back against father time. Now, a new study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons has found that a lifetime of healthy living may be the key to allowing us to age gracefully. The study tracked participants identified as elite level senior athletes (65 and above) who regularly exercised or participated in endurance competitions throughout their lives to determine what factors of aging could be mitigated by prolonged healthy lifestyle choices. The study determined that maintaining a regular fitness regimen that includes resistance, aerobic, flexibility, and balance training led to decreases in strains, sprains, fractures, diabetes, osteoarthritis, diabetes, and obesity. The data reminds us that the key to living a long, healthy life that allows us to enjoy our golden years are the same principals that apply to building a great physique – eating clean and intense training practiced consistently.



New fiber-facts-1Fiber Supplement Curbs Hunger

If you’ve ever been twelve weeks into a contest prep and contemplated eating an entire carton of all 31 flavors from Baskin and Robbins, you’re not alone. Fighting off insatiable hunger cravings is the biggest impediment to any diet – be it a contest diet or otherwise. However, a new fiber supplement being developed has shown the ability to reduce cravings and overall food intake according to a recent study. Researchers gave three groups of people either a 20g, 30g, or non-active control dose of the product before breakfast and then monitored the food consumption and satiety levels of the participants throughout the day. Both the 20g and 30g groups reported increased feelings of satiety, and ate fewer calories per meal with both lunch and dinner as opposed to the control group. So, if you happen to be someone who has a habit of subjecting your diet and first place aspirations to death by cheesecake, perhaps considering a high dose fiber supplement may not be such a bad idea.




kremeJunk Food Rewires Your Brain

The issue of whether or not the minds of people who chose to compete in the sport are healthy or not is debatable. But one thing that isn’t debatable is the impact that that high calorie foods have on our brain. The brain and body naturally want to consume higher calorie foods as a means a preventing starvation, but the declining quality of our food, and the estimated 80 million people who are now considered to be clinically obese in this country are an obvious indicator that our biological preferences haven’t caught up with modern times quite yet. A new study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology shows that when rats are fed high calorie foods it appears to rewire their brains. According to the study previously healthy rats that did not overeat when given normal chow consumed 150% more calories in their diet, and chose to eat less healthy food, when given the option to consume higher calorie foods. So, if you’ve been considering ditching the rice, sweet potatoes, and almonds for a box of Krispy Kreme’s because it still fits your macros, you could be on the road to diet disaster.




Too Much Alcohol During Middle Age Impacts Memory Down the Road

Both deadlifts and alcohol are two things that should be enjoyed responsibly. When used sensibly in moderation they can both have a tremendous benefit for boosting overall health and reducing levels of stress. However, get too crazy with either one and the results both acutely and long term could lead to unfixable damage. According to a team of scientists at the University of Exeter, drinking too much during middle age appears to increase the risk of developing dementia, or other forms of cognitive decline, as we age. Researchers tracked over 6,000 elderly participants who currently drank, and admitted regular-heavy drinking during middle age, to determine the long term effects of alcohol use during middle age on the brain. They found that individuals who admitted to consuming the highest levels of alcohol were the most likely to develop some form of dementia or mild cognitive decline over an eight year period. The findings help researchers to fill in the gaps about how excessive alcohol consumption impacts us long term. If you’ve been spending your weekends trying to drown away the memories of another terrible work week, maybe consider easing up a bit for the sake of hanging onto a few extra brain cells down the road.







Medical Marijuana Reduces Death From Prescription Overdose

As it currentlmedicaly stands twenty-three states have legalized medical marijuana, even more have passed laws that support decriminalization, and the rolling tide of public support for the repeal of archaic laws continues to grow. The changes in the laws have brought about a new influx of research and data that help lend support to the often used argument that marijuana is much a safer, and exponentially less lethal, than the use of traditional pharmaceutical medicine to treat various maladies. The latest evidence released by John’s Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public health has determined that in states that do in fact have legal medical marijuana, there is a 25% reduction in deaths from overdose of prescription drugs. It’s estimated that nearly 20,000 people die each year from overdose of prescription drugs, and in numerous cases the deaths have been caused by using drugs as they were properly prescribed. As information like this study continues to be published and shed light on the growing number of positive benefits associated with the use of medical marijuana, and more states yield to the mounting pressure being placed on them by the public, there may come a day in the near future where we see decriminalization of marijuana at the federal level.



Tomatoes Can Reduce The Risk of Prostate Cancer

The Natomatoes-fight-prostate-cancer-617x416tional Cancer Research Institute estimates that nearly 30,000 will die as a result of prostate cancer in the US in 2014. Prostate cancer usually occurs in older men, but various factors associated with the bodybuilding lifestyle can elevate DHT levels and cause potentially damaging inflammation to the prostate. A new study conducted by a team of researchers at The University of Bristol has found that consuming ten or more tomato products per week has the ability to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer by 18%. Tomatoes contain a potent carotenoid known as lycopene. Carotenoids are part of a group of compounds known as polyphenols, which are found in fruits and vegetables and have been shown to have wide ranging benefits for improving health and decreasing oxidation. Eating ten or more servings of tomatoes daily seems a bit excessive, but consuming a wide variety of fruits and vegetables that contain a spectrum of health promoting, cancer reducing polyphenols will provide the body with high quality nutrition and help to keep you performing optimally.



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