Fitness Factoids

Fitness Factoids: Volume 21

mixed nutsFitness Factoids: Volume 21


Eating Nuts Cuts Risk of Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease

A new study published in the journal I BMC Medicine has shown that people who eat nuts can reduce their risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. The meta-analysis compiled data of over 7,000 patients compared the effects of a normal Mediterranean diet, a Mediterranean diet in which participants ate extra fat from nuts and olive oil, and a control group that followed a low-fat diet.


Fitness Factoids: Volume 20

candy-pileFitness Factoids: Volume 20

Too Much Sugar Can Cause Heart Failure

A study published by The Journal of the American Heart Association has found that consuming just one molecule of a glucose metabolite known as glucose phosphate 6 (GP6) can lead to improper heart function. People consuming diets high in sugars and refined carbohydrates are most likely to build up high levels of GP6, leading to cardiac distress.


Fitness Factoids: Volume 19

unhealthy-foodFitness Factoids: Volume 19


High Glycemic Foods Trigger Additive Response In The Brain

A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that consuming high glycemic foods triggers a response in the brain similar to that of substance abuse. The study, which was conducted by the Harvard Medical School, found that rapidly digested carbohydrates such as sugar, potatoes, and white bread stimulate regions in the brain involved in hunger, cravings, and addiction. 


Fitness Factoids:Volume 18

dave palumbo4Fitness Factoids:Volume 18

Six Meals Per Day Reduces Abdominal Fat

A study conducted by Skidmore College in New York has determined that high protein diets along with increased meal frequency reduce abdominal fat. Researchers set out to test the effects of whether traditional diets of 15% protein were as effective at burning fat as a high protein diets that contained 35% protein. Researchers also tested to see if distributing protein intake over six meals per-day was more effective than the traditional three-squares.


Fitness Factoids: Volume 17

high-fructose-syrup-400x400Fitness Factoids: Volume 17

Dietary Fructose Causes Liver Damage in Animal Model

A study published in the online edition of The Journal of American Clinical Nutrition has found that dietary fructose has the ability to damage the liver, even in the absence of weight gain. Researchers from the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center conducted a six-week long study that tested the effects of a high fructose diet on liver function. In the study the researchers divided monkeys into two groups, each receiving the same caloric value of protein, fat, and carbohydrate in the diet.


Fitness Factoids-Volume 16

no-saltFitness Factoids-Volume 16


Scientists Link Processed Foods to Autoimmune Disease
A study conducted by scientists at Yale University and Erlangen-Nuremberg University in Germany have found that consumption of processed foods leads to autoimmune disease. The study concluded that excessive consumption of processed and refined salt has become one of the primary environmental factors responsible for the increased incidence of autoimmune disease.


Fitness Factoids: Volume 15

untitledFitness Factoids: Volume 15

No Link Between HRT and Cancer
According to new information released by the American Urological Association there is no increased for cancer by men who use testosterone therapy as opposed to those who don’t. Some who oppose HRT point to the fact that certain cancers are androgen dependent, and believe that supplemental testosterone could potentially increase the risk of acquiring certain cancers.


Fitness Factoids: Volume 14

splendaFitness Factoids: Volume 14

Sucralose Can Increase Insulin Production
Calorie free artificial sweeteners are used in all sorts of food and beverage products as a “healthier” alternative to sugar. Products such as Splenda (Sucralose) can be up to 300 times sweeter than table sugar but claim not to have the same damaging effects as sugar because they don’t cause the body to secrete insulin.


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