July 2011 Rx Member of the Month: Jodie Bruce

jodie and jay


Like Kai Greene at the 2011 Olympia, the Rx Member of the Month is back and dialed in! This month Rx would like to recognize NPC women’s bodybuilder and future Women’s Physique athlete Jodie Bruce! A classy addition to the board, Jodie owns a set of glutes that would make J-Lo weep, but striated glute’s are not the only attribute this sensual Texan is blessed with. Let’s break out the shovels and see what we find and as always, the tough questions first:

Tell us about your best/worst schmoe story?

I must be doing something wrong….I don’t have any. LOL

Oh, there’s still time…let’s just say my carry on items are coconut oil and a zoom lens….but let’s stay on track. How did you catch the bodybuilding bug?

My old high school swim coach was into Powerlifting. In the off season from swimming she had us in the gym hitting the weights. I didn't get into training after that until 1999. I was living in Austin and this lady that was selling my old boyfriend a house was getting ready to compete in one of the shows in Dallas and I became intrigued. I hired her trainer to get me started as far as a beginning foundation with weights. I didn't do my first show until 2001 or 2002, which was when I moved to Houston. I enlisted IFBB Pro John Sherman to prep me for my first ever figure show. I've been at it since. I crossed over into FBB back in 05 at the Sherman Classic as a novice light weight.

Speaking of bodybuilding, when will we see you onstage next?

I’m currently prepping for the North Americans. I had been planning on USA's but had to do a change in plans as well as find a new diet prep coach.

Will you be using plasma expanders for your next contest?

Ok....what the hell are plasma expanders? I am TOTALLY lost on this...please enlighten me...
They were big in 1997…ahh…so I’ve heard. Let’s get back to the glutes. Do you have to work for those round mounds of fleshy perfection or are they genetic?
A gift from my Mother but squatting ass to the floor helps!!!

Are you a fan of the moon pose?

Ehh no....I don't need to see everyone's shit between their legs! OMG, what if a nasty nut fell out? Don't care to see saggy balls or twats either, lol. There are other poses to show off the hammies and glute-tie-ins.

Speak for yourself, lady! This next question may sting a little but I have to ask. Do you feel female bodybuilding’s best days are over?

Ya know… this is a hard one to say either way; I'm on the fence about this one. I appreciate the hard work that goes into hitting that level and everything, but I do know the look that is being awarded on a Pro level has never been a look I have wanted to achieve. Sometimes change is hard for people. Just gonna let it play out and see what happens.

Tell me about your nice, warm and lovable kitty?

Ah...my BIG Pussy Cat, Oliver. LOL, he's a Maine Coon and a total mess. I would say he is right at 15lbs and bigger than a lot of small dogs (small dogs are kinda worthless if you ask me). When he stands on his hind legs he seriously can touch above my waist with his front paws...perhaps it’s because I’m a shorty that he looks big?

You have a cat? I gotta ask now…do you ever shave your Kitty?

My Kitty? LOL…ummm no comment, but as far as the one with four legs…no.

MEEEOOOWWW!!  Ahhh…I mean, let’s keep this professional, ok? A little decorum will go a long way. Recently, you were at the Branch Warren classic; what did you think of Men’s Physique Mass Monster and Rx OG Aaron Singerman’s first time sporting the boardshorts?

I think Aaron did an awesome job! His size should be rewarded more in this class instead of the little skinny Abercrombie look that they went with. Aren't taller men supposed to be sexier anyways? Pfft..with the 5'6 or whatever height they were. Lol, in all seriousness...I think he should do another show sooner than later.

I know you've done some booth work for SPECIES, so let me ask…Dave Palumbo; all around good guy or seed of Satan?

Dave is NEVER in the booth, he is usually sitting center stage in the audience providing us with the awesome play by play of everyone up on the stage. I am actually in the booth with Big J. Love Joel to death! He's awesome and so knowledgeable on all of the Species products. I'll be at the Europa in Dallas, 3 weeks out from North Americans.

Thanks for your time Jodie and on behalf of everyone here at Rx I’d like to wish you the best of luck at your next show. We’ll all be watching!

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