On stage, Jeff Black looks just like another bodybuilder. If you saw him at Jr. Nationals last year, you might even say he needs to improve his posing because he doesn't look stable in his side poses.... Yeah, everyone is a critic. But, you know, you should never judge a book by its cover. Imagine having bones so brittle they just break. Imagine being an 11 year-old kid walking through a store with your family and your leg breaks. For no reason, it just breaks. Imagine that kid growing up to be a bodybuilder? You're kidding right?
How Ron Noreman fought his way back from hip replacement surgery (in just five months) to win the 2010 NPC Empire States Masters Overall.
Ron Noreman is as much a bodybuilder as he's not a bodybuilder. A lot of guys fit their lives around bodybuilding. Sometimes to the degree that if something doesn't fit they don't make a concession; they live their lives in the gym and make as much a living as they can in and around their doing such things as personal training, diet counseling, contest prep, selling juice, webcam, or whatever it takes. Bodybuilding comes first.
A few weeks ago I did an interview with female to male transgender, Shane McKee and his story created such an impact that I felt compelled to follow it up with a ‘view from the other side'...an interview with a male to female transgender subject.
Seeing the movie "Monsters vs. Aliens" was convincing enough that America is hardly afraid of huge and powerful enhanced women. The world simply has problem with huge and powerful women who look like they are chemically enhanced by anabolic steroids.
The main character in the movie was a simple, small-town girl eager to marry her egotistical boyfriend when she was suddenly hit by radioactive meteor that took over her body and turned her into Ginormica. She grew like 50 feet tall and seemingly had the strength of all the comic book heroes wrapped into one.
Trenbolone is one of the most popular drugs used by bodybuilders today and, when you look at the stats, it is not hard to see why. A very potent androgen with strong anabolic activity, Trenbolone is an extremely effective hardening and cutting agent. In fact, it is considered indispensable when it comes to pre contest preparation. However, it is also extremely valuable in the off-season as it creates a rapid build up of strength and muscle mass. In fact, the anabolic effect is often compared to testosterone or Dianabol with one very important difference - it does not convert to estrogen. This is what truly sets it apart, as most mass building drugs readily aromatize, leading to many estrogen related problems (e.g. water retention gynecomastia).
Primobolan Depot is the injectable version of the steroid methenolone and, although it produces a weaker effect than Deca-Durabolin, it's a very good muscle-building steroid that possesses predominantly anabolic attributes. The fact that an enanthate ester is added to this steroid enables a slow and gradual release from the injection site. This allows for a longer half-life of approx 14 days (similar to other enanthate esters); yet most athletes prefer to administer it on a weekly basis.
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