
Dr. Mordcai Blau: A Review of Some High Profile Gynecomastia Patients

Dave Palumbo 31775-36Winston Churchill once said,

They say that nobody is perfect. Then they tell you practice makes perfect. I wish they'd make up their minds.

Bodybuilders are always seeking to perfect their physiques whether by training in the gym, carefully monitoring their diets, or by visiting a skilled board certified plastic surgeon that they trust.  In reality, nobody may be perfect, but bodybuilders sure strive to reach that holy grail of personal satisfaction.  In that vein, one of the greatest sources of aggravation and frustration for today's physique athlete is the presence of gynecomastia (excessive breast tissue in men).



Q&A with Dr Mordcai Blau: December 23, 2010

QUESTION:  Dr. Blau, I always wondered what you do to the gynecomastia gland after you've excised them out?   I know this may sound gross but does some of your patients keep them as some sort of momento to show people? Can they keep them?


ANSWER:  The specimen has to go to the lab.  It's a New York State law that anything removed from the breast must be sent and checked for malignancy.  While it's extremely unlikely that a malignancy would exist in a typical case of gynecomastia, the laws are clear that anything removed from the body must be analyzed for irregularities.


Gynecomastia... "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words"

Before-After"Gynecomastia or male breast reduction can be a very sensitive and highly emotional experience for male patients regardless of age.  Unlike the breast of a woman, the male chest is expected to be flat and muscular.  For an aesthetically pleasing pectoral muscle, or the "ideal" male chest, fat or breast tissue should be minimal above the muscle (similar to "six pack" abs).  Realistically only very few athletes will have this kind of "ideal" chest."  --Dr. Mordcai Blau

Gynecomastia (often referred to as ‘bitch tits') is a condition which is actually extremely common amongst male bodybuilders and can vary from mild to extreme depending on the genetic disposition of the individual. In bodybuilding circles it can usually be attributed to the use/abuse of anabolic steroids.


Gynecomastia Procedures Increase as More Men Consider Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery News
(The Official Magazine of the American Board of Plastic Surgery)

Restoring confidence and self-esteem

Rather than choose between drawing attention to himself by wearing a shirt to swim or going bare-chested, Gregory Bentley, 23, Cohoes, N.Y., opted to simply avoid the lakes near his home altogether. His abnormally enlarged breasts had become a source of embarrassment, and rather than risk public ridicule, Bentley literally kept his secret under wraps as he looked for a solution.

After researching his condition online, Bentley learned that he had gynecomastia, a condition involving enlarged breast glands in men. He also found its possible causes, corrective options and plastic surgeons who could help. In late May, Bentley underwent a procedure performed by ASPS member Mordcai Blau, MD, White Plains, N.Y.


The Go-To Man

p5f1Mordcai Blau, MD, PC, offers hope for males with gynecomastia.

Mordcai Blau, MD, PC, did not set out to become a preeminent performer of gynecomastia surgery for men in the United States, but it certainly has turned out that way. Last year alone, Blau performed about 175 such procedures, far more than almost all other surgeons.





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