

Spotlight On NPC Bodybuilder: Anne Sheehan

Spotlight On NPC Bodybuilder: Anne Sheehan

photoCategory you compete in: Female Bodybuilding
Date of birth: April 15, 1973
Hometown: Trenton, NJ
Career: Hair stylist, colorist, educator and make up artist

Competition history:

2000 Trenton 2nd place, Middle weight
2002 Trenton 1st place heavyweight and over all
2002 Physique 1st place heavyweight and over all
2003 USA Middleweight
2004 Jr.Nat’s 4th Place Heavyweight
2004 USA 4th place Heavyweight
2005 USA 6th place Heavyweight
2006 North American 5th place LHW
2008 Master’s Nationals
2008 North American
2008 USA
2012 NJ State Heavyweight and Overall
2012 Nationals 10th place Heavyweightbcfx
2012 Eastern 2nd place Heavyweight

Next competition:
2013 Jr.Nationals

In your opinion, how important is motivation and confidence when aiming to accomplish a goal?
Motivation is everything. It wakes you up when you step into the gym. It whispers in your ear when your alarm goes off. It smacks you in the face when you get out of work late and you still need to train. It courses through your veins when you think you’re spent yet there is one more set, one more rep. It reminds you that if you cheat on your diet, you only cheat yourself.

In your eyes, what combination of hard work and natural ability is needed to reach the top?
If you’re not going to work hard, you don’t deserve to reach the top. If you reach the top without working hard you will feel it. If you reach the top after working hard..you will feel it.

What are some motivational strategies that have or currently work for you? Before every set I think of many things. I thank God for giving me my strength. I think of other people that have said things that remind me “The only one holding you back is you”, “Do what you have to do”, there are several others. Sometimes I imagine those who have beat me. Or those that are working hard trying to. I read good stuff.

Give me some examples from your life where confidence has helped you to achieve? I have had to shoulder down head forwarded through many events of my life. “Annies’ wobble, but they don’t fall down.”

What do you find the most challenging about competing? The schedule. I work a lot. I have a family. I train hard and never miss a workout. Balance is often a challenge to find.

What are your top 5 key strategies for success? Being humble. Thanking asGod. Surrounding myself with people I look up to and that only wish the best for me.

What is your favorite protein powder? Why do you like it? Isolyze. It’s cold micro filtered which means it’s not denatured when it is processed. My body can process it better. I know this because it digests well and feeds my muscles as I become bigger, stronger and able to muscle through boundaries that no longer exist.

Favorite Inspirational Quote: Always do what you are afraid to do.
~Ralf Waldo Emerson

In closing, Who would you like to give a shout out to? John Meadows, Darin Dudash, Courtney DiRenzo, the people on the subway, ladies room’s, street and so forth that tell me I look great and give me that nod of approval because they know I’m doing it.


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