Muscle in the Morning: October 3, 2014
1 Wolf’s Revenge in Madrid
2. Brian Shaw Deadlifts 750 for Reps
3. Korea Grand Prix Wrapup
4. Kevin Jordan Packing On Size
5. Justin Compton a Massive 291!
6. Arnold Pumps Up with the Competitors
7. Dexter Dominates Dubai
8. And Kai Greene Back in Action in Prague
Muscle in the Morning: Sept 26, 2014
1. Kaltwasser Is Off to Korea
2. Bill Wilmore Back in the Gym
3. Iron Sirens at ComicCon
4. Alana Shipp Feeling the Momentum
5. And The Secret Behind Armbust’s Success
1 Juan Morel Back in Gym
2. Flag Nor Fail Porsche Tour
3. Dorian Haywood’s Growth Spurt
4. David Meets Goliath
5. And Dennis James Daughter Enters 1st Competition
1 Four Time Strong for Wilkins
2. Kaltwasser and Grishina Shine in Vegas
3. Manion Wins Joe Weider Icon Award
4. Jason Huh Signs with Universal Nutrition
5. And Shawn Robinson Gearing Up for NPC Eastern USA