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SARAH OLYMPIA BOUND! - Muscle In The Morning August 24, 2015


Sarah Leblanc Doing Work, Justin Compton Is a Man, Morgan Aste in the Gym, Dexter Doing Work, Michael Anderson 4 Weeks Out

 Tune in to RxMuscle.com every weekday for Muscle in the Morning presented by Iron Mag Labs - the most hardcore supplements on the market!

Host Dave Palumbo gives you the latest scoop on all the news and gossip from the fitness and bodybuilding world.  Start your day right and wake up with Muscle in the Morning!


Watch Muscle in the Morning presented by IronMagLabs

KAI & DLB UPDATE! - Muscle In The Morning August 21, 2015


Kai Gunning for the Crown, DLB Doing Work, Juan Morel Going Hard, Delarosa Battling for Redemption, IFBB Wings of Strength Rising Phoenix Womens Bodybuilding Championships!

 Tune in to RxMuscle.com every weekday for Muscle in the Morning presented by Iron Mag Labs - the most hardcore supplements on the market!

Host Dave Palumbo gives you the latest scoop on all the news and gossip from the fitness and bodybuilding world.  Start your day right and wake up with Muscle in the Morning!


Watch Muscle in the Morning presented by IronMagLabs

UNDISPUTED CHAMP! - Muscle In The Morning August 20, 2015


Sadik Making His Push, Dallas Looking Enormous, Kevin Ofurum on the Rebound, Dobri Delev Headed to the O, Tricky Going In

 Tune in to RxMuscle.com every weekday for Muscle in the Morning presented by Iron Mag Labs - the most hardcore supplements on the market!

Host Dave Palumbo gives you the latest scoop on all the news and gossip from the fitness and bodybuilding world.  Start your day right and wake up with Muscle in the Morning!


Watch Muscle in the Morning presented by IronMagLabs

3D IN ACTION! - Muscle In The Morning August 19, 2015


Roman Going In, Nick Trigili Dialing It In, Zoa Linsey Prepping for San Antonio Pro, Max Charles Training Legs, Jeremy Buendia Gunning for the Gold

 Tune in to RxMuscle.com every weekday for Muscle in the Morning presented by Iron Mag Labs - the most hardcore supplements on the market!

Host Dave Palumbo gives you the latest scoop on all the news and gossip from the fitness and bodybuilding world.  Start your day right and wake up with Muscle in the Morning!


Watch Muscle in the Morning presented by IronMagLabs

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