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Gregg Valentino & Joe Pietaro on Iron Debate

IronDebategreggandjoe-slider#WHYCUTBACK?  Gregg Valentino and Joe Pietaro are confirmed for IRON DEBATE Tuesday night at 8pm EST!

Don't miss this special edition of Iron Debate where we will undoubtedly get the inside scoop on the crazy happenings in the bodybuilding publishing industry!

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Iron Debate with Denise Masino

irondebatemesinoTune in for a special steamy edition of Iron Debate Thursday night. This bodybuilding and muscle porm icon weighs in against Chris Aceto and Dave Palumbo on some hot and sultry topics in the world of women's bodybuilding

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Iron Debate November 26, 2014: Miami "SOFT???"

JoseRaymond Slider-490Iron Debate is back Wednesday night at 7:30 EST as Dave Palumbo, Chris Aceto and Tad the Diet coach blast off on the hot topics of the week!

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