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Heavy Muscle Radio (2/16/15) Should the Mr Olympia be put on it's own weekend separate from the other divisions?


Palumbo and Aceto recap the week-- Shawn Rhoden's appearance on Iron Debate, Heavy Muscle TV, and the new #askDave TV Show. 
Plus, should the Mr Olympia be put on it's own weekend separate from the other divisions?  Would it make it more popular and more palatable?

Heavy Muscle Radio (2/9/15) Weddings In The Industry Plus Aceto stranded at drive in!?


Palumbo and Aceto recap the past week in the bodybuilding world-- the marriage of Steve Kuclo and Amanda Latona; as well as the renewed wedding vows of Justin and Heather Dees.  Plus, Dave goes crazy at the Reptile Fair and Chris gets "stranded at the drive-in; branded a fool.... what will they say, Monday at school?".  Oh wait, Chris home schools!
And don't miss an extended ASK DAVE?  and STUMP THE JUMBO!

Heavy Muscle Radio (2/2/15) Shawn Rhoden is still without a contract plus, will Cedric McMillan and Justin Compton be too much for The Blade?


Aceto and Palumbo discuss the newest craze in the medical field: selling "poop" for cash!  And, can Dexter Jackson win his 5th Arnold Classic title, or will Cedric McMillan and Justin Compton be too much for The Blade?
Plus, Shawn Rhoden is still without a contract, Johnny Styles goes on vacation, and Bros vs Pros 23 returns to Otom Gym in Brooklyn, NY on Feb 21.


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