Mens Physique Articles

A Brief Synopsis from the First Ever MP Show in the UK


UKBFF jordan leaderStars Of Tomorrow-Hayes, Greater London

There were a total of 10 competitors in the physique contest. No height classes were used. If it grows ,as it has in the states, then in the future shows drawing more competitors 2 height classes will be uses. One height class will be up to 178cm (5'10'') and the other over 178cm.

As for the flavour of the show: It was not surprising, as we heard about it in the US, at the beginning there was some heckling from the audience. 'These are the guys who don't train quads' 'this isn't bodybuilding' etc . The MC asked audience to be respectful. Once that happened the crowd was respectful and was quick to see the why there is such a massive following in the US.


The Benefits of Alternating Your Workouts

When imageyou first start training, the body goes through a lot of neuromuscular changes; therefore, you don't need to alternate your routines very much and due to being a novice you are still learning correct form and techniques.  By continuing to follow a workout without any change, it can place you in a tough plateau to break through.  Aside from that, it cause your workouts to become monotonous and tedious. In order to burn fat, you should try to change your routine every 4 to 8 weeks. Even when building muscle it’s a good idea to cycle your workouts.


Next Level Planks for Detailed Abs

Everyone wants a great 6 pack. plank A clean diet is imperative, but abdominal training can make a huge difference as well.  After training your abdominals over and over! It can get pretty monotonous unless you change it up! Here is a simple way to add a "Rep Style" form to your basic planks.

Basic Planks - this is one of the best types of static to perform. When doing a plank, make sure to have your toes down, body aligned and abs tight. At this point you should feel the vibration in your core. That's the good part! Hold that for at least 20 seconds.


Why is Water So Important?



water bottleWhen you are stepping on stage you will be somewhat dehydrated to show off that hard earned muscle; however, you shouldn’t live in a state of chronic dehydration.  Do you know why it’s so important to be adequately hydrated at all other times?  If you would like a greater understanding of the importance of hydration then read on.

Hydration is arguably the most critical factor not only for good health, but also in the development of athletic pursuits. Drinking water is particularly important for athletes because the nature of their activities lend to using up stores more quickly.  For individuals participating in sports, careful monitoring of water intake to insure they are getting adequate amounts to stay hydrated is imperative...


Inflate Your Chest

If arnold4you have been looking to change up your chest workout I have the perfect one for you to try. Five exercises may not seem that bad, but by the end of this one you will have a pump that will inflate the chest to its breaking point. Try it out and let me know what you think. Hit me up on Facebook!

Here's the workout to inflate you chest!


The Ups and Downs of a Contest Prep

CompetingIMG 2802RT is much more than bringing a nice physique to the stage.  What most people don’t understand is that even though Men’s Physique is considered a “Beach Body Physique” there is still a lot of work and preparation that goes into preparing for a show.

On July 1, 2012 my coach Anthony Racanelli and I decided to compete in the NPC Titans Show Oct 20, 2012.  This gave us 16 weeks of preparation time. After the first 6 weeks we were on target dropping from 220lbs to 210lbs then the expected happened. Literally overnight, no exaggeration, my body weight increased right back to where we started at 220lbs...


Should You Block Cortisol Production?


Cortisol’s cortisolFunctions

Cortisol has gotten a bad rap in recent years due to its nickname, the “stress hormone”.  What occurs during times of excessive emotional stress?  The adrenal glands respond by producing more cortisol in an effort to provide more energy and a higher pain threshold which is in keeping with the “fight-or-flight” response you may be familiar with.  Normally, cortisol levels are at their highest in the morning then decrease progressively throughout the day, but if your body is placed under excessive stress, it may produce abnormally high levels of cortisol which disrupt this natural pattern.  The resulting elevation in cortisol stimulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats and also triggers insulin release.  These activities can result in an increased appetite and uncomfortable hunger pains.  Blood glucose levels also rise as a result of excessive cortisol release, and if that glucose is not used for energy, it will be stored in the body’s fat reserves, particularly in the fat cells of the abdominal region...


Meet MP Competitor Blake Bernard



Joining644610 4573214169033 2103539056 n us today is MP Competitor Blake Bernard.  Congrats on a great showing!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
I was immediately interested when I discovered the Men's Physique Division about a year ago and began watching video of upcoming Pro's online to learn more.  I was already living the fitness lifestyle and I felt I had the look it takes to compete. After all the hard work I put into transforming my physique I wanted to now put it to the test. About 6 months out I decided I was going to up my nutritional and training efforts to prepare and compete...


Meet MP Competitor Victor LeClair


With vicus today is MP Competitor Victor LeClair.  Congrats on hitting that National Stage!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
Well for the past few Januarys I’ve always told myself: “I got 4 months to get cut and in great shape for the summer.” My lifting friends and I would say this every year and we never did achieve that perfect beach body we were after. We lacked the dedication and commitment I’ve learned in these past 9 months. So deciding to compete helped me reach this goal. After years of saying it, I finally had a killer body come summer time...


Building A Better Back


Have Image credit: Jeff Sygoyou ever noticed how many sayings and clichés exist regarding the back? Seriously, just think about it for a minute—I can wait.

Okay, are you done? Excellent!

More than likely, the first cliché that popped into your mind was Arnold’s “I’ll be back!” catchphrase from Terminator. While this cliché doesn’t have anything to do with the back per se, it counts because Arnold said it and the man’s back is huge! If you took the time to make a mental list of back-related sayings and clichés then your list might look a little something like the following:


Meet MP Competitor Michael Fitzgerald



With 450us today is MP Competitor Michael Fitzgerald.  Congrats on a great showing in the division!  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
After training for three years I felt I was ready to get on stage. I acquired a trainer for diet and cardio and went hard as possible for three months and dieted down for three weeks prior to the show. Also I like the physique division rather than body building just because that’s the type of body I would like to have.

Can you tell us a little about the show in which you recenlty competed?
Yes, it was a small show so I felt it would be perfect for exposure in my first show. I took third place in the novice division and was told I went in too lean at 4% body fat 183 pounds in the over 5”10 division. But I was grateful for third place in my first show...


Build ABS Worth Revealing

     We've Critelli Scatoliniall heard the saying, "Abs aren't made in the gym, they are made in the kitchen", but is this really the case?  I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be a nutrition or fitness guru, but I do train very hard and have been doing so for the past twenty five years, and I have to say I have always had a problem with this statement. Let's be real, abs are not created in the kitchen, they are REVEALED there. The abdominals are a muscle group just like any other in your body, and require rigorous training and adequate rest to achieve that "blocky" look. For the majority of people, clean diet alone will not give them the look they desire...


Meet MP Competitor Kyle Glickman


With Arnold 1us today is MP Competitor Kyle Glickman.  What made you decide to compete in the Men’s Physique Division?
Thank you! I decided to compete in the Men’s Physique Division because I am 6’4 and had competed in bodybuilding events in the past but felt I was too tall/long to really go far in the sport.   I have more of an athletic look than a bodybuilding look...


Integrated Concurrent Exercise Training

Whenburpee it comes to obtaining optimal body mass, nutrition is potentially the most powerful variable one must control in order to achieve the look they want. Still, the exercise component of one’s training program certainly plays a large role in helping to maximize fat loss.

 The cardiovascular aspect of training for fat loss for years has typically been split between proponents of steady state cardio and high intensity interval training. Usually this training is performed before, after, or on a different day altogether from one’s resistance training.
More recently a hybrid approach has been studied that has shown incredible efficacy when it comes to burning body fat  called “Integrated Concurrent Exercise Training” (ICE) and that will be the main focus of this article...


Must Have Supplements: PART I

Friends LeanProMatrixChocBanana5lband others at the gym often ask me which supplements I take and what I recommend they take to get their best possible results.   My supplement use is dependent upon my specific goals at that time as they can change throughout the year.  My standard “go-to” supps” I use on a regular basis are whey protein, a multi vitamin and creatine.  All three of these are essential in producing lasting and hardcore results.  For many of the people asking me for advice, these are good options for them as well...


Wanna Know a Secret?

If the secretI told you that I could tell you very simply the key to unlocking your ultimate potential, making everlasting progress, being successful, and finding happiness; would you wanna know?

Seriously… Take a few seconds to think about what I just said; most everyone’s reaction would be an immediate “YES!”


Build & Chisel Your Best Shoulders Today



If youDcore Chest shoulders know me at all, you know I’m a huge proponent of training your entire body.  When it comes to the Men’s Physique stage however, it can’t be denied that there are some body parts that draw more positive attention than others.  One such prominent body part on successful MP Competitors is a set of well developed shoulders.  Solid round shoulders improve the V-Taper’s appearance and make the physique look more aesthetically appealing to the judges.  The question is, “How do you develop incredible shoulders?”


Don't NEED It...BE IT!


ITom and Joe (Snag it) 001 was recently asked for some advice by an old friend who has been competing as a body builder for several years. Over his 20 plus year career he’s had some great success but he has also dealt with some frustration and disappointment.

His goal has been to capture a prestigious IFBB pro card which continues to elude him.   He’s come close on several occasions and in my opinion, with a few minor adjustments has everything it takes to achieve his objective.

“Do you think I should go for one more pro qualifying contest before calling it quits?”


Guide to Physique Competing. FAQ by New Competitors



Therenorth americans front comparison class c are many questions to consider when thinking about participating in a physique competition.  Scott Keppel, former body building competitor and Owner of Scott’s Training Systems has worked with a variety of individuals.  His skills and expertise cover a wide range of areas.  He has coached everyone from pro physique competitors to individuals enrolling in their first show.  In this article Scott shares answers to the questions most commonly asked by those considering physique competing...


The Houston Pro MP Report: Top 5


This Houston Pro 2012weekend marked yet another step forward for the IFBB Men’s Physique division.  With one of the largest turnouts to date, the Houston Pro was a huge success for the division.  Over 20 Pro’s put on the shorts and took the stage to battle for the win.  Some were competing as a Pro for the first time whereas others have been very active on the circuit.  Most notably in this contest were both Steve Cook and Alex Carneiro taking 1st and 2nd respectively after a long hiatus for each of them...


Three Benefits of Investing in Professional Marketing Materials

InIMG 3835tagged the industry there are tons of questions.  Some are more common than others.  Today, I want to discuss one that was put to me the other day. A collegue recently asked me, “What is the most common mistake I see talent make when they are attempting to get their foot in the industry?” My answer, which I am sharing with you herein is that far too often I see people enter the talent industry with no willingness to invest their resources to properly grow their career.

When we think of INVESTMENT, we have to think beyond just IRA’s and Education as one delves into a profession such as fitness modeling...


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