The global obesity epidemic has caused a flood of research and funding to pour into the pharmaceutical industry in search of a magic weight loss pill that can be hailed as the Holy Grail for individuals who are unable to lose weight by traditional means.
Fitness Factoids: Volume #66
Exercise Reduces Inflammation From Rheumatoid Arthritis
Chronic inflammation has been identified as one of the calling cards of a diseased state in the body. The damaging effects of inflammation have been tied to a number or chronic and debilitating diseases such as IBS, heart disease, hypertension, and arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a particularly debilitating autoimmune disease characterized by chronic painful swelling of the joints and often leads to sufferers becoming wheel chair bound due to the eventual deterioration of the joints. New information being released from the European League Against Rheumatism Annual Conference has found that exercise shows the ability to control systemic inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
Exercise Boosts Healthy Gut Bacteria
Hard training athletes, particularly those who train for physique competition, understand the importance of diet and exercise’s ability to impact performance and reshape body composition. However, without a healthy digestive system, even the most well-conceived nutritional approaches can fail to be effective. A new study published in the journal Gut has found a positive link between exercise and digestive health. The study tracked 40 professional rugby players who were asked to fill out food questionnaires in addition to giving blood and stool samples before participating.
Exercise Quality is More Important than Exercise Duration
At some point in time we’ve all heard our parents utter the phrase “There’s no point in doing things unless you’re going to do them right.” Apparently this mantra rings true when it comes to exercise as well according to a new study conducted by Skidmore University that was published in The Journal of Applied Physiology. Exercises scientists conducted a study in which they took 57 unhealthy individuals who did little to no exercise and were classified as obese or overweight and split into three groups at random. Group one received 60 grams of whey protein daily but remained sedentary.
Just when you thought you’d finally recovered from all of the issues handed down to you by your parents, science has come along once again to prove that you can’t escape your genetics. Millions of people worldwide suffer from chronic pain that’s attributed to a variety of conditions ranging from arthritis to inflammatory bowel diseases
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