THE TRAINING ROOM (Training Tips & Programs)

MP Cardio and Dieting – Part 2

Adam-Bates-Abs1Continuing last month’s article, I will now start to look at the different types of cardio which are usually implemented into a program to effectively burn body fat.


Prioritizing Leg Training: Hams & Calves

mpd1My love for the gym started as a result of my desire to improve my basketball game.  Before becoming a “gym rat,” I mainly went to the gym do squats so that (in my mind) I could improve my vertical.


MP Cardio and Dieting – Part 1

Adam-Bates-thumbIt is something that plays a large role in the lives of almost every competitor. Cardio is required by 95% of physique athletes to go from lean to stage lean.


Experiencing DOMS Doesn’t Mean Squat

16There is a growing body of evidence that is challenging the long-held notion that delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS is essential for muscle growth.


Eric Broser’s P/RR/S (Power/Rep Range/Shock) Training System

BillComstock130DMBrowRecently I’ve been using variations of a training system called Power, Rep Range, Shock (aka P/RR/S) which was created by natural bodybuilder, fitness model, author and trainer, Eric Broser. Before going further I want to thank Eric for giving me permission to write about his excellent training system!

I have actually known about P/RR/S for several years via a variety of interviews and articles. However, more recently I decided to purchase Eric’s Power, Rep Range, Shock DVD so I could see the subtleties of his system in action. I then took the basic principles of P/RR/S and put together several different variations on the system, which I have been currently using with great success!


Is Your Fat Burning Furnace on High?

HangingOutLegsFor most folks, cardio is a dreaded word that means thirty to sixty minutes-plus each day on some piece of gym equipment slowly building up a good old-fashioned sweat. At the end of the session, when the time expires, you’re left wondering if you really melted away some of that fat that has covered up your striated and ripped appearance since your last show.


Cardio & Bodyweight Blast

absWith spring here and summer approaching, I try to move some of my workouts away from the gym so that I can take advantage of the warmer weather. One of my favorite ways to change the pace is to find a track and get in some necessary cardio work. Here is a workout that I often use consisting of sprints and bodyweight exercises that will meet cardio and muscle-building needs. This is also great for when you are short on time and need to get in a quick workout. Good luck!


Getting Stronger with Rest Pause!

RopesI've always kept my workouts very intense and over the 16 plus years of lifting I've figured out a few tricks to get the most gains and maximize my efforts. I really want to emphasize the REST PAUSE technique on Set 3. This is an old technique that I don't think gets as much attention as the drop set when it comes to adding more intensity to your workouts. This technique has really helped me make some serious strength gains recently and if it's done right I'm sure will help you, too. Here we go.


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