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So you think you have haters...

What grinds grechys gears hatersYou know what really grinds my gears... people who think they have haters.

I'm going to start off this article by quoting my very own Facebook status update posted only a few weeks ago... "Why does everyone think they have haters? You don't have haters. Only famous people have haters. The people that know you just think you're a douchbag!"

Everyone these days seems to think they have developed some sort of celebrity status by creating a Facebook account and saturating their wall with "selfie's", posing in ridiculous poses, flexing the immature muscle they have grown in their intense 12 day introduction to weight training, and instantly dismissing anyone who thinks that they are a self-obsessed moron as one of their "haters". But what exactly makes me a hater?

So you've posted a photo of your abs with the caption "haters gonna hate". I don't hate you. I think you're a dick, but I don't hate you. Do you use this "hater's" terminology as an automated defence mechanism to instantly dismiss the tsunami of negative comments you are more than likely to receive after posting one of your gay shitty-ass pic's? Are you accusing me of being jealous just because I look at your ab-shot photo and think – "who gives a fuck about your weak ass abs"? If you predict an onslaught of negative comments, then it probably might not be a good idea to post that pic in the first place.

haters-gonna-hate-gay-batmanI know I'm going to get a lot of people saying "if you don't like them, delete them"... but no, I'm not going to delete them, because to me idiots are funny and entertaining. But in saying that, I have come dangerously close to shutting down my Facebook account on numerous occasions after laying my eyes on yet another self-obsessed Facebook poser.

Look, I don't mind the occasional posts of progress shots of someone prepping for a show. I've done it, and I don't want to come across as some sort of hypocrite (why would I hang shit on something I do myself). Plus I bet that there are probably a few of you reading this telling me to fuck off because you're sick of the amount of comp photos I have posted in my lifetime. But I'm not talking about photos on stage here; I'm talking about the obsessive compulsive behaviour of some individuals who have the dying need to post a progress photo during every single daily workout.

If you think that this article was written about you, then odds are it was. I'm happy that you're enjoying your training. I'm glad that you're making progress towards achieving your goals. But seriously, your gains and progress are going to be a lot more noticeable when the progress pic's you post are decreased from daily instalments down to monthly. Stop accusing everyone of being haters. No one hates you. No one is jealous of the way you're looking. People just look at your photos and automatically assume that you have an extremely heightened ego who finds it absolutely necessary to fish compliments from anyone out there in social-cyberland just to add a few more cubic centimetres to that already inflated head of yours.

Maybe cut the selfie's to a minimum of one a month. Or don't. I don't give a shit. Either way, I'm still going to giggle every time I see your best oblique pose look exactly the same it did on yesterdays post.

Forrest Gump is on TV so I gotta go. Ciao.


Mark Grech

Flextreme bodybuilding and fitness

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