IFBB Bikini Pro VaVa Vanessa’s Fit and Fabulous Lifestyle: Journal #3

IFBB Bikini Pro VaVa Vanessa’s Fit and Fabulous Lifestyle: Journal #3

Happy Memorial Day!! A BIG shout out to all that have served this beautiful country, without all of you I would not be able to do what I love, so Thank **YOU**.

Memorial day is here and tLASIKhe days are longer and warmer. In order to kick off this holiday right I decided to purchase some new sunglasses. If you don’t know, this is a HUGE deal for me. I just had LASIK done on my eyes, so this was my first time in 10 years to really be able to wear sunglasses. My husband and I ended up going to Santa Monica to hunt for some sunglasses. I am a big fan of the cat-eye style and I was able to pick out two awesome sunglasses. Of course you need an all black pair and a brown pair so that every outfit will be complete ;) I found some all black CHANEL statement sunglasses with a little cat eye flair and a brown pair of Oliver Peoples. Both styles have a very retro 60’s feel to them. LOVE THEM BOTH!

Oh ya! The most AMAZING thing happened this week! On Friday when I arrived at work, guess what I found??? Two young chicks! Yep, I was pleasantly surprised to find out that we now have two little baby chickens. They are so cute. They were only 1 day old and had hatched the night before. I named them Henry and Henry-eta. I actually don’t really know if they are a boy and a girl, but I figured I had a 50/50 shot at being correct. :) I know there are ways to check the gender, but I felt the little ones had already been through an ordeal with it being their first day in the world and all.

As you may have guessed, I live in a very beautiful rural area. I love to run and the scenic views make cardio go by sooooooooooo much better than on a treadmill or an elliptical.It also helps to live in this area when the gym is closed for a holiday because you can always get your cardio done and Chicks2enjoy the day at the same time.:)

I will have to get a picture of my favorite run for you all next week. It is amazing. I usually run early in the morning when the air is crisp, the sun is coming up, and everything is quiet and still. It is the best run ever to wake up to and just clear your head and plan your day.

Have a safe Memorial Day and if anyone is BBQing enjoy it for me ;)