

The Prodigy Goes 1 on 1 With Debi Laszewski



The Prodigy Goes 1 on 1 With Debi Laszewski


Arnold2011Many of you know this bodybuilder who took 4th place in the Ms. International for her creative posing routines that "WOW" audiences everywhere.  She started competing at the age of 24 and was motivated to start lifting by watching the movie, "Terminator."  She has been in the industry for over 20 years and turned pro at the 2006 Nationals.  Debi enjoys empowering others to reach their goals and works training and dieting clients.  In this exclusive interview Debi goes one on one with me as I uncover all her innermost thoughts.



P: Debi, thank you so much for talking with me and answering all of my questions.  Let's get started.  Where are you currently living and training?

D: I am currently living in South Florida, Jupiter to be exact.  Training here as well. Where did you grow up?  I moved from Madison, Wisconsin, 12 years ago.

P: How did you get started in bodybuilding?

D: I started back when I was 20 years old, I was always very thin and in shape, but not muscular.  In my gym there were some natural pros that trained and I asked them for some guidance.  They said I needed quite a bit of years of training and then I could think about competing.  So I did just that!

P: So far in your journey what has been your favorite, most memorable and most powerful moment?

D: Well, I would have to say, receiving 2nd place in the 2009 Ms. International, Arnold Classic.  I was just hoping to get called into the first call-out and qualify for the Ms. Olympia.

P: What do you enjoy doing away from the gym?

D: I enjoy gardening, lots of shopping, decorating my home and playing with my animals.  I have a dog "Harley" and my cat "Cairo"  I also take the time to see my family and friends when I am between shows.

P: Tell me something that most people don't know about you.

D: Well not only do I train hard, but I work very hard, right up to the show.  My parents taught me good work ethics and I follow them. My training business is very successful, which includes athletes across the nation.  So I maximize on this with my competing.

P: What goes on in your mind before you are about to step on the stage?

D: I am a very focused individual and I am that way during all of my prep, but I would have to say at that very moment, I have butterflies and excitement in showing everyone the work and improvements I have been making.  I have a peace and a joy when I step on stage, that is hard to explain.

P: In your eyes, what combination of hard work and natural ability is needed toOlympiPic2010 reach the top?

D: Total dedication every day of every year.  Having a visual/ mental focus of what you want to achieve and than driving yourself every day to do it.  I don't miss a workout or a meal and I get lots of rest.

P: In your opinion, how important is motivation and confidence when aiming to accomplish a goal?

D: Well motivation is a MUST to accomplish anything in life, I don't have to work at that.  But confidence is different.  I always want to remain humble in this sport, but yet have the confidence that is needed.  This can be a juggling act for me, because I strive to be perfect and that sometimes gets in the way of my confidence at moments.


P: Would you please tell me a little about your workout schedule? Contest and during the Off-Season? Does it vary much?

D: My training varies just a bit as far as how many days I train, during my off season and my contest prep.  But my intensity stays strong through out the year.  I always train to make my physique better at every show, and I am sure everyone can see that.    I train accordingly to how my body is feeling, so the sets and reps will always vary. I am anal when it comes to specific exercises., every exercise has a purpose, if not I don't do it.  This I stress to everyone training, always know why you are doing what you are doing.  Not just that you saw the guy next to you doing it.


P: What are some motivational strategies that have or currently work for you?

D: I never read anything about me on the internet, good or bad.  It doesn't matter what anyone thinks, but myself.  The type of advice that I will read, is that of people who are credible in the sport.  Experience is a source of wisdom we can learn from.  I always move ahead and never look back .  Any bad placing I shake off in seconds and again move ahead.  I never dwell on what I cannot control only on myself, on what I CAN control.

P: How do people close to you describe your personality?

D: That I have a strong drive and perseverance, and never stop till I am satisfied. I have integrity and a strong loyalty,.  I expect this from those that surround me..

P: What is the hardest thing about preparing for a show?

D: The guilt that I have when I need to center everything around me and actually neglect the people that are important to me, for that period of time.

P: How far out in your contest prep do you start practicing and creating your routine?

IMG_4616 copy (2)D: I start the creative work in my head, around 12 weeks out and physically start 4 weeks out.

P: In closing, who would you like to thank or give a shout out to?

D: I would like to thank my nutritionist, George Farah, my boyfriend and my sister, for their unbreakable support.


P: How can we get in touch with you?

D: Through my web-site: www. DebiLaszewski.com






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