

Bonnie Bernstein – Embracing the Challenge


 bonnie"I take pride in being in good shape, always have,” Bonnie Bernstein says with a laugh. You probably know Bonnie Bernstein from her years as an analyst and sideline reporter covering some of the biggest games in sports. She is currently the Vice President of Content and Brand Development, as well as the on-air "face,” for Campus Insiders, a burgeoning online network. What you may not know is that she was a gymnast at The University of Maryland. Her experience as a college athlete has imbued in her a love of health and fitness, and the challenge that comes with hard work, that continues to this day.

bonnie3“Believe me,” she says, “I’d love to be ripped like I was in college, but I just don’t have that much time to work out, so I make the best of the time I do have.” During her time as a gymnast, she was constantly lifting heavy and carb-loading (“I plead ignorance,” she jokes.) These days however, it’s more about practicality. In 2006, Bonnie was diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, as well as pulmonary embolism. She has credited staying fit with saving her life and preventing another scare. “Flexibility and strength are what I focus on now.” A combination of kettle bells, yoga, cardio and resistance bands have allowed her to maximize gym time as well as promote circulation. “I will say this though, the resistance band give me great tone!” Being as busy as she is, she always tries to find time for the gym. “It can be hard to motivate yourself. I always find that starting early keeps me in a great mood for the rest of the day.”

Bonnie’s job allows her to see some of the finest athletic facilities in the country. “As an athlete, it makes you want to take advantage of the bonnie2resources you have. I have been lucky enough to meet some of the most inspiring players and coaches. Allow your surroundings to inspire you to pour your blood, sweat and tears into what you want to accomplish.” Though the goals of a collegiate football player and a figure or physique athlete may be different, the message is the same: be motivated by what’s around you.

This extends to social media (@bonniebernstein). With over 112,000 followers Bonnie is something of a Twitter sensation. She also has a sizeable Instagram and Facebook following. “For me, its about building relationships; I love engaging with people of all backgrounds and opinions. I try not to make it an online diary.” In the fitness industry, pretty much everyone has a social media presence and she says the key to standing out is asking what you are doing to motivate others around you. “If you have a bad day, show people! It allows people to relate to you as a person with dreams, goals and ambitions rather than just a picture on a website. Share all of the passion you have!” For Bonnie, one of her passions is music, a “total ‘80’s nut” as she put it. “All it takes is a song lyric or suggesting a playlist… it gives people the opportunity to talk to you, not at you.  

bonnie4Bonnie Bernstein knows the value of hard work. From being an Academic All-American gymnast to helping grow an upstart network, she strives for variety in each of her endeavors. “I live life with a learning curve. I hate being bored. I’m always up for that next new challenge. The more you learn and the more you learn make you less dispensable.”

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