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Xavier interviews Natasha Mayhew after she won 2 classes and the figure overall at the first ever ANB W.A. natural bodybuilding championships.
Xavier Wills & Michelle Nazaroff wrap-up the first (2013) ANB W.A. Championships.
2013 NPC USA'S Finals Wrap Up! With Dave Palumbo, Chris Aceto and Louis Uridel from Las Vegas Nevada!
Ivan Sadek Australia's #1 ranked IFBB talks to Michael Galley of Rx Muscle Australia after guest posing at the 2013 IFBB Western Sydney Championships.
Lorena Schembri now has a big name to live up to with an IFBB Pro husband in Luke Schembri, Lorena didn't disapoint and placed an impressive 2nd in a big line-up in her first show. Lorena catches up with Michael Galley to talk about her first show.
Daniel Fletcher the winner of the Men's Classic class at the 2013 IFBB Western Sydney Championships speaks to Michael Galley about his crazy contest schedule & his out there posing trunks!
Michael Galley talks to Muscle Nutrition owner Matt Coorey after getting off stage from his first contest with a 2nd place in the Overall Men's Classic division.
Michael Galley caught Muscle Nutrition athlete Scott Cussen straight after getting off stage after winning the overall at the 2013 IFBB Western Championships.
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