


Quantum Physiques - Building Mind, Body and Spirit!

Hosted by Brian Cunningham!


Back from the 2012 Natural Products Expo, Host Brian Cunningham has some insights to share on the changing shape of Bodybuilding in pop culture. Is Reality TV Star Kim Kardashian the poster girl for our obsession with body image & the rich and famous? Is this the height of our culture or the hype?  Plus some revolutionary new products that need to be checked out!



Quantum Physiques - Building Mind, Body and Spirit!

Hosted by Brian Cunningham!

 How much does your own mind create the experiences and results you have in life? Can developing your "inner game" get you better results, and faster? Join host Brian Cunningham as he brings in special guest Dr. Denise Nadler to discuss this and many more issues, as only Quantum Physiques can!


Quantum Physiques - Building Mind, Body and Spirit!

Hosted by Brian Cunningham!

How do Super Heroes from movies and TV Icons like Spartacus, Neo, Ancient Masters like Buddha and Jesus tap into the source of unlimited power?  How does your ego get in the way and hold you back from success?  What is Inner Game and how can we develop it along with unshakable confidence?  

Tonight, host Brian Cunningham discusses what he calls "the four F's of life"!  He's joined by Social Rapport Guru and Dating Coach Jeff Magic, who delves deep into the mindset of the Male mind, and what holds us back from finding our true companion!


Quantum Physiques - Building Mind, Body and Spirit!

Hosted by Brian Cunningham!

Can you bend time and get better,faster results in life? How does the Matrix translate into hormonal signals that can help or hurt your progress?  Host Brian Cunningham explores this as well as many other topics, including how the concert of chemicals in your brain create the music in your life!

Special Guest Dr. Bear Walker discusses discusses switching the Parasympathetic and Sympathetic nervous systems in your body to improve your health and results in the gym!


Quantum Physiques - Building Mind, Body and Spirit!

Hosted by Brian Cunningham!

Adele, Wayne Dyer, Demi Moore, Jesus & Rumi weigh in on Love! Is love really all we need as John Lennon sang? Does love make the world go round? Host Brian Cunningham is joined by Jeff The Producer to sound off on the music, the mystery, the magic and the misery of Love!  Join us for another roller coaster ride as only Quantum Physiques can deliver!



Quantum Physiques - Building Mind, Body and Spirit!

Hosted by Brian Cunningham!


The Father of The Matrix speaks! Can he help you live your dreams?  Can your beliefs shift your biology?  The 'Biology of Belief' author Dr. Bruce Lipton reveals the science behind what makes you tick. Do 'you' even exist?  If not, what doors of possibility are waiting to be exposed?  Join host Brian Cunningham on another roller coaster ride through space, time and your mind on this episode of Quantum Physiques!




Quantum Physiques - Building Mind, Body and Spirit!

Hosted by Brian Cunningham!


Is it possible to defeat any disease? Can curry ginger smoothies actually taste good AND prevent sickness? Renown nutrition expert,  Dr. Jeffrey Bland, discusses Total Body Toxicity and its connection with liver, insulin and overall metabolic health.


Plus special guest, Attorney Rick Collins,  talks about meeting Ben Weider, Arnold Scwarezenegger, the demonization of masculinity, gaining muscle even when injured and his charity work! This is not to be missed!




Quantum Physiques - Building Mind, Body and Spirit!

Hosted by Brian Cunningham!


Are 2012 Prophecies coming true?  Is it the end of the world as we know it?  Physicist Michio Kaku does some Shock and Awe on that one!


Host Brian Cunningham's 'guest' is a no show, but the eternal sage Osho gives an enlightening talk on what it means to be truly free and happy.  Brian also delves into the Quantum connection with energy and Epigenetics.


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