

A very Dark Knight on After Hours!

What in the WORLD could make Jimmy "THE ANGRY BULL" Pellechia mad at a guy like Dave Palumbo?

John Romano is also angry... with President Obama, and warns of the dangers of eating imported Chinese Food!

Jeff The Producer tries to reason with both Jimmy & John on their anger issues, but has his own ideas on how to solve both of their pressing issues!

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Jimmy The ANGRY BULL returns!

Jimmy "The Angry Bull" Pellechia returns! Jimmy is also very passionate about finding out the true difference between a deer and a reindeer!

JOEY G, Mr. G's Offspring! Joey isn't afraid to follow in his Dad footsteps and is officially inaugurated into the Whack Pack!

John Romano's SKYPE connection fails again, Diego-B talks over everyone, and Jeff The Producer holds it down in the background!

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After Hours is joined by Off Topic!

Strange things happen on Friday the 13th! The boys from Off-Topic: Carl and Aaron, join Dave Palumbo, Jeff The Producer, and Diego-Please-Give-Me-Free-Stuff-B on this crazy episode of After Hours!

The crew also determines who would win in a posedown against Jewbacca in their best shape, and who has the best stage routine.

Dave reads some whacky SCHMOE emails, intended for his eyes only and thinks the Whack Pack should plan a road trip to try their hand at shooting guns with live ammo!

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IFBB Pros and Powerlifting Teens!!

Dave Palumbo's good friend and new IFBB Pro Dave Watson joins After Hours!

Teen Powerlifter Melody Melo also joins in the craziness and finds out what whack pack member has the hots for her!

Diego-B brings day old food, Jimmy Pellechia is Missing and Jeff The Producer tries to make sense of it all, only on AFTER HOURS with the WHACK PACK!

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Dave Palumbo is Missing!

That's right! Dave Palumbo is MISSING from AFTER HOURS this week! That means John Romano calls in from his new cubby hole in Mexico and tells us about life using steroids legally, cheap health care and being the big guy at the gym!

Jimmy "The Angry Bull" Pellechia gives us his opinion on the look of Women's Bodybuilding!

Diego-B needs Viagra!

And Jeff The Producer does his best to tie it all together, only on After Hours with the WHACK PACK!

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Romano calls in from an undisclosed location!

Where is John Romano?  Mexico?  Florida?  Mars? Nobody knows for sure but Dave Palumbo knows that the difference between Maxi-Pads and Tampons are pretty significant!

Jimmy The Iron Bull Pellechia answers the tough questions, Diego-B uses his cell phone, Jeff The Producer brings the laughs!

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What's the REAL TRUTH behind the NASTY RUMOR that alleged that JIMMY "THE ANGRY BULL" PELLECHIA did $20,000 worth of damage to Ed Connors property?  Find out the TRUTH, as told to Dave Palumbo direct from the source!

Romano can't call in, Diego-B gets a shaker cup, and Jeff The Producer holds it down in the background, on After Hours with the Whack Pack!

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Jimmy Pellechia is an ANGRY MAN!

What's got Jimmy "The Angry Bull" Pellechia angry this time around?  Palumbo tells him a rumor, and Romano thinks it's all fiction!

John Romano is leaving Long Island, Diego-B brings him food, but Jeff The Producer and Dave Palumbo finish it off, and toasts Romano's farewell!

Who will take over Romano's vacated seat?

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