Romano Rage

The Body Counts: Girls Love Muscle!

Many times over the course of the years that I have been involved in bodybuilding I've invariably come to debate the issue of what all these muscles are for? Throughout this debate, especially today, I find myself continually having to preface my position.  My argument is not in favor of the physiques showcased  on a bodybuilding stage at the professional level. A handful of guys look like that, and the reason they do is because of an amalgam of genetics, determination, knowledge, focus and drive beyond mortal men


Smoking Rooms-- Modern Day Death Chambers!

Airports in the US  are "non-smoking" facilities. However, in order to keep all the nicotine addicts happy and as fairly treated as the alcoholics, many airports have installed smoking lounges-- they're usually next to a bar where they sell the next most popular, legal, deadly drug to the next biggest group of addicts in our country.  I'm sure you've all seen them - little glass booths about 10 feet wide and 20 feet long with rows of chairs around the perimeter and one down the center interspersed with big overstuffed sand ash trays; a powerful ventilation system; and hordes of smokers packed inside like cordwood haplessly puffing away in a dense cloud of highly carcinogenic smoke.


The Downside of Juice!

durabol_front"Roid Rage is not a clinical term. There are no peer reviewed studies that have been published in a prestigious medical journal that conclude episodic rage is caused by exogenous androgens. While respected clinicians will not agree with the charge, "respected" journalists have made names for themselves with the trumped up term.  Geraldo, Nancy Grace, Bill O'Reilly, and their ilk, trumpeted their message from the peaks of media mountains: On CNN, FOX, ABC, MSNBC, even ESPN, some authoritative voice could be heard feeding the camera lines that would instantly become the truth when they came out the other end on TV - "roid rage, from the illegal use of anabolic steroids, caused so-and-so to do such-and-such....." In reality, we know that the charges are not true. But it doesn't matter. In this game, steroids are bay-ud, mmmmm-kay?


The Book of Genesis.... According to Romano

In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth, and darkness was all around. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light, and God saw that it was good.

On the second day, God said, "Let the earth bring forth the grass, the flowers and the trees," and he gathered them all together and called this the Garden of Eden. And then God made the beasts of the earth, and cattle, and every thing that swam in the sea and this was for the meat. And God called the meat protein, and although it needed a little salt when he cooked it, he tasted it and thought that it was good.


What the Hell is She Doing?

South Florida is an interesting place. For many reasons.  One of those reasons that always fascinates me is the incredible amount of wealth concentrated down here and the lengths certain people will go to get it. For those who have it, the next most interesting thing is watching them trying to get what they want with it, especially when the price tag is measured in audacity and not dollars.  The following is a kind of funny story about wealth, privilege, audacity and desire.


My Case For Legalizing Drugs!

Like it or not, taking drugs is a matter of course in the United States.  For any generation younger than the baby boomers, blazing a joint at a party is pretty much on par with having a drink.  Exactly which drug leads to the use of other drugs is really irrelevant.  The fact is, if you are inclined to use drugs, then you will use drugs-- either for recreation or performance enhancement-- there's really no moral difference.  Anyone who thinks there is, and smokes cigarettes or drinks alcohol to boot, is a total hypocrite. There is no denying that anabolic steroids, and their accompanying drugs, have a tremendous positive effect on building muscle and burning fat, but the fact is that these same substances are illegal where most bodybuilders live.


Test Can Be a Pest!

I dug this up last night. . .some frustrations I encountered several years ago on a "real" androgen/steroid stack.  I thought some of you might find it interesting...

.....With the exception of a brief stint on Sustanon 250 and Anadrol back in the early ‘80s, the rest of the gear I've ever used has been of the non-androgen variety- Deca, Primobolin, trenbolone, EQ, etc. I never had a good experience with testosterone.


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