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Mastering His Future: The Don Youngblood Story!

Youngblood4August 4 saw Vince Taylor fly into Lynchburg, Virginia for yet another predictable defense of his Masters Olympia title. As four-time Masters Olympia winner and one of the most genetically gifted bodybuilders on the planet, there is little doubt that Vince considered this contest to be like another guest-posing for him; a guest-posing with a $10,000 paycheck. After all, Vince Taylor was the man that none other than 8-time Mr. Olympia Lee Haney named as his most likely successor.



Ode to the Power King Ed Coan!

edcoan June 24, 2001. Mountaineer Cup. Ed Coan strolls over to a group of metal folding chairs and plops down on a backward-facing chair. He rests his meaty forearms on the rounded chairback and drapes a towel over his shoulders. Surrounded by a group of friends and competitors representing the Chicago area Quad's Gyms, he is clearly the "alpha male" of his pack. Even if he were not considered the king of powerlifting, his easy smile and pleasant personality would still make him a popular figure.



Who Was Joe Gold?

A lot of you have been commenting on how much you enjoy the stories 
from back in the old days at Venice Gold's and World Gyms.  Since this
era interests some of you I thought it would be fitting to write a 
little bit about the guy who started the whole shebang in Muscle Beach 
during the 70s.  Many of you know the name "Gold," as in Gold's gym;
but do you know Joe, the man?



PROSVILLEUSA"Prosville" is my new name for Bev and Steve's Powerhouse gym in Syosset, NY. Just like when Motown records was called "Hittsville" in the 60s because of all the hits they were producing, the same can be said for Bev's Gym because of all the pros they have walking in and out of their doors.





Chain of Events-- A Fictional Supposition!

"Meinhard!... What is it you have there?"

Looking up with the expression of a dog caught in the garbage can, Meinhard shrugged, sheepishly wishing he had seen the teacher's approach sooner. How quickly things deflate. Moments ago every boy in the class stood around him, staring in awe at the stack of magazines he had smuggled in to school. Now, those same friends have scattered, leaving him caught red-handed and even more red-faced.


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