Muscle in the Morning: July 29, 2013 --NPC USA Results, BVP 17, Toney Freeman Guest Posing and More!
Muscle in the Morning: July 26, 2013 --NPC USA's, Arnold Vs Sergio, Marco Rivera and More!
Muscle in the Morning: July 25, 2013 --Anthony Pasquale, Heather Dees, NPC USA's and More!
Muscle in the Morning: July 24, 2013 --Cutler and Aceto, Big Ramy Update, Lionel Beyke and More!
Muscle in the Morning: July 23, 2013 --David Henry, Steve Kuclo, Robert Kennedy Publishing
Muscle in the Morning: July 22, 2013 --Masters Nationals, Eduardo Correa, Marius Dohne and More!
Muscle in the Morning: July 19, 2013 --NPC Teen, Masters, and Collegiate Nationals, Evan Centopani Update and More!
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