A special edition of MITM! Join Dave Palumbo as he returns from Acapulco Mexico to bring you all the happenings in the world of bodybuilding and fitness!
Dana Linn Bailey, Phil Heath Trains at Manions Gym, Amateur Olympia Latin America, Roelly WInklaar is back, and Arnold's big guns!
Muscle In The Morning June 12, 2014 !
Tamme Marie's Hometown win, Pacheco's A-Game, DJ in Mexico, Fritz on HMR, NO guilt Protein Pudding, Iron House Apparel!
The Fitness View, Branch Warren Tours, The New Cookie Monster, Karina Inks Deal, Abomination in the press!
Phil Heath Guest Pose, Roman Fritz Wins, NPC Oklahoma & Kai Greene Goes Airborne!
Roman Fritz, Muscle Mayhem, NPC Garden State, Brian Shaw, and yes the 3 stooges!
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