Elevate your Results – The “Secret Weapon”


WhenDeepTisse600x800withheading it comes to trying to build muscle as quickly and efficiently as possible, there are many things you can spend your money on. In fact, you've probably already tried a number of these things.

Most athletes will not hesitate to spend a great deal of money on the latest supplements, training programs, coaches and mentors. They may also spend a considerable amount on their gym memberships or exercise equipment. Unfortunately, they overlook one of the most useful products when it comes to fitness, training and building a world-class physique.

Are you wondering what this little known secret is? It's massage! A good deep tissue massage over the entire body can work wonders when it comes to building muscle. When a full body massage isn't possible, even a chair massage can be helpful.

I can probably guess what you're thinking right now. You came here for some serious tips about building muscle, training, posing, diet tidbits and all I have to talk about is massage? Well, the truth is that you could really see benefits if you gave this a try.

Now, I'm not saying that massage will magically put muscle on your frame. At least, it can't do that directly. And I'm definitely not saying that it will somehow replace the need for a good training and diet program. However, when it comes to building muscle, you need as many weapons as possible in your arsenal. Deep Tissue Massage should be part of that arsenal because it can help to remove lactic acid from your muscles as well as lengthen your muscles. The effect is similar to stretching.

Deep Tissue Massage targets the deep tissue structure of the fascia and muscles, referred to as connective tissue. Of the many types of massage, deep tissue focuses on the release of muscle tension and chronic knots (aka adhesions).

A well-performed deep tissue massage can break up and eliminate scar tissue from previous injuries. A common problem is that stressed muscles can block nutrients and oxygen from getting to where they need to go, and this will cause inflammation that allows toxins to build up in your muscle tissue. The inflammation and toxins contribute to pain and stress.

Deep Tissue Massage breaks up and releases the built-up toxins by loosening the muscles. With the toxins released, blood and oxygen can circulate as they should through your body. Being properly hydrated before you go to your massage appointment and drinking plenty of water after one of these massages is also highly recommended.

Many massage therapists have some basic deep tissue training, so they can do some of the techniques during a classic massage. However, for a good deep tissue massage you should find a massage therapist that specializes in deep tissue massaging. There may be some soreness after a deep tissue massage; however, the soreness should go away within a day or two.

The massage should not hurt but will be a little more uncomfortable than a classic massage. If you feel the pressure is too hard, tell the masseur. Do not act tough if the massage causes severe pain or the pressure is too hard, as it may do more damage than restoration.

A good way to recover from a deep tissue massage is by soaking in a warm bath with Epsom salt. This soaking is recommended because it will help get more of the toxins out of your body (Epsom salt draws the toxins out into the water).

Your muscles need some rest after one of these massages, even if you feel no soreness. So you might want to not plan any heavy deadlifts or squats within a day of a deep tissue massage.

Some people think that if you just push hard enough, a knot could be worked out in one session, but this is not the case. For built-up tension and chronic knots (adhesions) deep tissue massage is just one part of the treatment. If you do not exercise, correct your posture, and/or employ relaxation techniques along with deep tissue massage you may not get the full benefits from your massage.

Overall deep tissue massage has many direct benefits for Physique and Bodybuilders alike. The benefits of this type of massage in bodybuilding and physique may increase your competitiveness by enhancing your performance and helping you to attain your physical potential. The effects of injuries fromhard training can impair your development.

Massage can combat the negative effects of hard training and might even help you gain greater muscle mass, develop a more proportional and symmetrical physique, and improve your stage presence for competition and for the judges appraisal.

Additional benefits of implementing a regular deep tissue massage session into your schedule include:

·        Improved Blood Pressure

·        Breaking up of Scar Tissue

·        Rehabilitating Injured Muscles

·        Stress Relief

·        Injury Prevention

·        Improved Range of Motion

·        Improved Recovery time

·        and Psychological Benefits


I’m certain there are many other benefits that I may be forgetting. And each one of these benefits is worthy of going into greater depths, however I will leave that for a later article.

The bottom line is that deep tissue massage should be part of your overall program for building muscle and improving your physique. You don't have to abandon your supplements completely. I'm not saying you have to cancel your gym membership. What you should do, however, is not forget the importance of a good deep tissue massage to help build muscle and take your physique to the next level.

Regular Deep Tissue massage therapy is much more than a mere luxury or a whimsical extravagance.  Rather, it is a critical investment! It’s an investment in yourself and in your health!